SCA means Community! Theater Arts Graduation Ceremonies! Field Trips! Untitled Header Image


Examples of SCA activities that are offered throughout the year:

Student Fun
Monthly Jr. High Activities
Monthly High School Activities
Senior Class Activities
Theater Arts Club


Family Fun
SCA Family Theme Parties
Bunco Party
Magic Mountain Homeschool Day


Field Trips
Discovery Science Center
Aquarium of the Pacific
Ronald Reagan Library

Academic Events
Speech & Debate Tournaments
Spelling Bee
Math Olympics
Art Festival

All-School Special Events
Barn Dance
Science Fair
Craft Fair
International Fair
Promotion Night

Faculty Meetings
Staff Meetings
Student Leadership Council Meetings
Walk Through History
Share Fair
Service Projects
Missions Outreach
Operation Christmas Child


Non-Compulsory Support Group
Open to families who have children who won't be age 6 by Sept. 1st. 
Support access to include: forum, park days, assemblies, etc.
Not a drop-off program