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Behavior Guidelines

All particpants of Discovery Days, and their students and guests, shall abide by the following rules of behavior:

  • Participation in Discovery Days is restricted to those who have an approved registration for the current school year.  Registration is held each May for the following school year and is open to those who teach or, as there is room, to those who agree to assist.  To join the co-op for a future school year, please join the waiting list.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior of the students.  If parents must be absent for any part of a Discovery Days day, they must make arrangements with another parent to be their child(ren)’s temporary guardian in their absence.  Even in their absence, they are still directly responsible for the behavior of their students.  [Please note when planning to leave, make sure you have given contact information and info on your whereabouts to the responsible party and signed out in the fellowship hall.]
  • Students may not have in their possession anything that could be used as a weapon or cause injury to another person.  This specifically includes, but is not limited to, knives, multi-tools, and blades of any kind.  Any such items will be confiscated and given to the parent of the student.
  • Proper respect will be displayed at all times for: all posted and otherwise disclosed rules, personal property, and those in authority, including other parents.
  • No profanity, coarse jesting, or other hurtful language will be tolerated.  Participants are to refrain from harassing behavior toward other participants, including matters of religion, academics, or politics.  These and other topics may be discussed in a mutually civil manner.
  • Inappropriate displays of affection or touching are not acceptable.
  • No electronic devices should be used by students in the classroom unless for purposes of instruction in class.
  • Participants should refrain from attending DD when there is illness in the family such as fever in the last 24 hours for a known or suspected communicable disease.  Please see Sick Policy for more information.
  • Punctuality is expected for all timed events including scheduled classes.
  • Cleanup after DD activities is the responsibility of the teacher with the assistance of the assistant and all attendees.
  • Dress Code for DD and all activities should Students, tutors, administrators, and parents are expected to dress modestly and respectfully, in keeping with a Christian worldview, while attending Co-op or Co-op related activities. To this end, a dress code will be enforced. Dress and groom oneself in a way that honors Christ.
    -Neck and hem Lines should be modest
    -No bare midriffs
  • For further information, see our Attendance Policy.

Communication Rules

  • Participants may not use the DD directory for commercial solicitation purposes.  They may not distribute the directory in any form to anyone else for any reason.
  • Only the Leadership Team and those designated by the Leadership Team should speak officially for DD.
  • Limited advertising is welcome: however, solicitation for personal business is not allowed.  Any unsolicited use of personal information or email addresses gained from the participation roster is prohibited. 
  • No personal attacks will be tolerated and will result in the offender being removed from Discovery Days for one year.