Parent Association of Christian Educators

General Information

What does our co-op day look like?

Every co-op day begins with assembly. Assembly is a time for housekeeping, prayer, pledge, devotional, and worship. We take 20 minutes to hand the day over to the Lord and thank him for all he will do, as well as cover any announcements. We then proceed through periods 1 and 2. After second period is a short snack break. We then have 3rd period followed by lunch. Fourth and fifth period complete our day. After 5th period we have our second assembly of the day. This gives us time to thank the Lord for all we learned, and break for clean-up. While our co-op day ends after 5th, it is required that anyone who attends 5th, stay for an extra 15-20 minutes and steward the halls of our school. The students break into groups and all work together to clean up from our busy day.

The VHA Calendar:

We meet weekly on Thursdays for the 2023-2024 school year beginning August 31 through November 30 with breaks on 10/5 and 11/23. Our Spring semester begins February 1 and runs until May 9 with breaks on 2/22, 3/28, and 4/18.

Thursday Schedule:

9:00: Morning Assembly

9:20-10:10: 1st Period

10:15-11:05: 2nd Period

11:05-11:15: 10 minute snack break

11:15-12:05: 3rd Period

12:05-1:00: Lunch

1:05-1:55: 4th Period

2:00-2:50: 5th Period

2:50: Afternoon Assembly & Clean-up