Parent Association of Christian Educators

Parent Obligations

Parents need to help based on the needs of the co-op. At our mandatory pre-semester meeting we will have sign ups to help in specific classes, hall monitoring, lunch clean up, recess, etc. This helps us to know that all classes and areas are properly staffed and helps us to locate a parent should an emergency arise.

All parents are part of the set up/cleanup crew. As cooperative families, we are responsible to leave the location as we found it. Set up and clean up are vital to us being good stewards of the location God has given us. We realize it is not the most glamorous job but having parents available to step in and clean up after classes, lunch, and end of day, will greatly help.

This is not a drop off environment, parents are required to attend and keep an eye on their children and encourage them in proper classroom behavior. In addition, it is important to remember that families are NOT required to attend the entire co-op day. Please feel free to come and go as suits your schedule and homeschool needs.