Parent Association of Christian Educators

Financial Information

Payment for the 2021-2022 school year is due upon receipt. We do realize that situations happen (people register late or financial situations occur). If payment cannot happen for you by that date, please get in contact with us privately via email or private message to discuss financial options. We do offer discounts as well as payment plans when needed. (This is decided by PACE Directors and Board Members.)

We take our financial situation very seriously. We are in the process of getting our non-profit status and are very transparent. When you pay your fee each semester, which will be your family registration fee and the classes your children choose to attend, we utilize that money towards the needs of the co-op (ex: white boards, paint, cleaning supplies, chairs, tables, etc). 

Your class costs go directly to the teacher, (per semester). However much they charged per class, goes directly to them to fund their class, VHA takes none of that money. Once the class is completed, any unused money returns to our co-op fund and used in the same way as the family registration fee. 

Of the family registration fee, we tithe 10% off the top every semester, pay rent, pad our emergency fund, and save for events. It is important to note that directors and teachers do not make any money off VHA. We are not employed by VHA and we do not receive any financial benefit for our positions are directors or teachers.