Ad Astra Homeschool Co-op Upcoming Events View our Classes How To... for our website

25-26 Ad Astra Kids K-8

Welcome to the Ad Astra Kids Program information page! We are offering an academic co-op for grades K5 through 8th with preschool for k3/k4 and a Nursery for 2 years old and under.  We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30am-12:00pm, from mid-August through mid-May. The kids have 3 Charlotte Mason/Classical style classes - Language Arts, History/Social Studies, and Science. Each class is 70 minutes with the last 10-30 minutes (depending on the grade) of each block used for outdoor play, to switch classes, use the bathroom, etc. Please click each button below to learn more about our program:

Read: Cost Breakdown
Read: Curriculum
Read: Parent Roles
Read: FAQs

Next Steps

If you feel like the Ad Astra Kids Program might be a good fit for your family, the next step is to attend an upcoming information meeting if available, schedule a visit to meet the Coordinators and tour the facility, or request to join the Ad Astra Program. Please use the buttons below to select your next step!

Step 1: Attend Information Meeting
Or, Step 1: Schedule A Visit
Step 2: Request To Join Ad Astra

Once Approved

Once you are approved as a member of Ad Astra, you will be able to do the following: 

Step 3: Register for K-8 Program
Step 4: Enroll In Classes
Step 5: Order Curriculum