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Articles of Association

Tri-County Home Educators                                                                         Updated 2013
Articles of Association

Article I - Name
The name of the Association shall be Tri-County Home Educators (TCHE).

Article II - Definition
Tri-County Home Educators is a Christian organization, the members of which are like-minded Christian home educators dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4. We promote home education as the Scriptural design for education whereas institutional education is an alternative to the home. We believe that every family has the God-given legal and constitutional right to home educate in the State of South Carolina, regardless of their philosophy of education or religious affiliation. Tri-County Home Educators is not a church nor is this organization meant to replace the ministry of the local church to the home education family.

Article III - Purpose
Tri-County Home Educators is organized exclusively for the purpose of providing service and support to the Christian home education families within the State of South Carolina including butnot limited to the following ways:
1. by maintaining contact with other support groups on a local, state, and national level.
2. by taking action where necessary to protect the future freedoms of home education in
the State of South Carolina and in our nation.
3. by disseminating information and resources helpful to home education families.
4. by promoting sound, high-quality home education programs by parents or legal
guardians for the purpose of developing Christ-like character, and which will satisfy
the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional growth needs of their children.
5. by helping parents evaluate and choose the best curriculum to meet their specific
6. by instituting whatever other programs or services in the future as may be deemed
necessary by the membership of this organization.
7. by providing regular meeting times for mutual support and encouragement.
8. by coordinating field trips and other experiences with special educational and social

Article IV - Statement of Faith
We Believe:
1. The Bible to be the inspired, infallible, divinely preserved Word of God, the supreme
and final authority for all faith and life.
2. That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles,
His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the cross, His bodily
resurrection, His ascension, and His imminent bodily return in power and glory.
4. That man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and
only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone, not trusting in any personal works
whatsoever, can be saved.
5. That salvation is the free gift of God brought to the sinner by grace and received by
personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose substitution death on the cross paid
the penalty for man’s sin.
6. That the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict mankind; indwell, guide,
instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.
7. In the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
and that individual doctrinal differences which may exist, outside the
aforementioned (IV: 1-6), should not hinder the unity of Christian home educators.


Article V – Membership

Section 1: Specifications
Membership is open to all Christian home educators who:
(1) profess the Christian faith,
(2) are in agreement with the Statement of Faith, Purpose, and Bylaws,
(3) are currently engaged in the home education of their children,
(4) Pay dues assessed by the Association.

Section 2: Benevolence
It shall be within the discretion of the Committee to grant membership without full payment of dues to applicants who certify that they cannot afford to pay regular dues.
Section 3: Expectations
It is expected that all members will support TCHE with annual dues in the amount set by the Steering Committee to cover operational expenses, and in the work of the Association to ensure  that its purposes are met. Further, it is expected that all members will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Statement of Faith and purpose of TCHE in order to contribute to a positive image of our group in the community.

Section 4: Applying for Membership
Each Christian home educator interested in membership shall read and sign the application containing the Statement of Faith and Purpose. If one spouse is unable to sign the Statement of  Faith and Purpose, this spouse may accompany the family for TCHE activities but would have no voice in discussion or vote in meetings. Applications for membership must be submitted to the Chairman of the Steering Committee and accepted by a majority vote at a duly called meeting of the Steering Committee.
Payment of dues establishes a membership in the Association. Only members are allowed to attend functions specified as “closed” by the Steering Committee.

Section 5: Term of Membership
Members will be required to renew their membership on an annual basis at the beginning of each New Year by signing the Articles of Association and paying dues, re-affirming their commitment. The “year” shall be taken to be August 1 through July 31. At this time, updated membership roles and any changes in leadership will be noted.

Section 6: Revocation of Membership
Membership may be terminated for confessional or ethical non-compliance with the Statement of Faith, Statement of Purpose or By-laws of this organization, or for conduct unbecoming a member. Any allegations shall be brought to the attention of the Committee Chairman who will investigate the matter to ensure that allegations are well founded, just and of major concern. If so found, there shall be a hearing before the Steering Committee to consider the matter, with two weeks prior written notice given to the party or parties involved. The Steering Committee may remove membership from those in non-compliance if the matter cannot be resolved. This shall be done by majority vote at either a regular meeting or a special meeting of the Committee.

Article VI - Steering Committee

Section 1: Composition
The affairs of the Association shall be governed by a Steering Committee. The Steering
Committee shall be comprised of five (5) men from among five (5) Association member
husband-wife couples. Wives of the Steering Committee members are encouraged to participate in all meetings with only one qualified vote per couple. If the Steering Committee member is unable to attend a meeting, his wife may attend and vote in his absence. Additional members of the Steering Committee shall be added by two (2) in orders to maintain an odd number. All elected Committee members shall hold membership status as prescribed in the Articles, and:
• Must be the parent (guardian) of the home educated children. Must be actively home
educating; exceptions to be reviewed by the Steering Committee and approved.
• Must be an active participant of the Association.

Section 2: Methods of Selection and Terms
Elections shall occur prior to the annual meeting of the Association where the Committee
Members will be elected. The first such election will seat a full Committee for one year terms with at least two of the Members serving for a two year term. This is necessary to establish staggered terms to facilitate continuity.  Subsequent elections will only replace those whose terms are up, with all new terms to be for two years. The Committee shall appoint a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer from among the members at the first meeting of the season. Other offices, positions, and committees may be created and staffed by the Committee as the need arises. At least 60 days prior to the annual meeting, the Committee shall appoint a nominating committee. The duty of the committee shall be to submit a list of qualified nominees to fill the number of vacancies on the Committee. The list of nominees shall be submitted to the general membership.
A written ballot or electronic ballot, which ever is deemed most cost effective by the Steering Committee, shall be used to vote. In the initial election, the five members (2 or three in subsequent elections) receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected. In the event of a tie for any position to be elected, a run-off vote of such position shall be conducted immediately following the general vote. In the event of a second tie, the toss of a coin shall be made to determine the position.

Section 3: Removal
A Steering Committee Member may be removed from the Committee or from Office for
cause as determined by a majority vote of the Steering Committee. Once cause has been
established, removal shall be by a majority vote of the Committee. The absence of a Steering Committee Member from two consecutive meetings of the Committee without acceptable reason shall be considered sufficient cause for removal.

Section 4: Filling of Vacancies
Any member of the Steering Committee who is unable to fulfill his elected duties may resign by submitting a written letter of resignation to the Chairman. When the Office of Steering Committee Chairman becomes vacant, the Steering Committee shall appoint someone to fill the office until the next annual meeting, by a two-thirds vote. When a position of Steering Committee Member becomes vacant, the Committee shall select, by a two-thirds vote, someone to fill the office. The Steering Committee Chairman shall recommend to the Committee one or more persons to fill a vacant Steering Committee Member position, but other persons may be nominated by the Steering Committee Members, also.

Section 5: Compensation
No Steering Committee Member or Officer shall receive compensation for any services he may render to the Association. However, any Steering Committee Member or Officer may be reimbursed for his actual expenses incurred in the performance of his duties, under rules established by the membership or the committee.

Section 6: Meetings
Regular meetings of the Steering Committee shall be held twice yearly, at such place and hour as may be fixed by the Committee or the Steering Committee Chairman. Special meetings of the Committee shall be held when called by the Steering Committee or by any two Steering Committee Members.

Section 7: Quorum
A quorum shall constitute the number of Steering Committee Members in attendance at a
duly called meeting.

Section 8: Committee Action without Meeting
The Steering Committee Members shall have the right to take any action in the absence of a meeting which they could take at a meeting, by obtaining the approval of a majority-plus-one of the Steering Committee Members. Any action so approved shall have the same effect as though taken at a meeting.

Section 9: Powers
The Steering Committee shall have the power to do the following:
• Conduct all business necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Association.
• Delegate authority to the Steering Committee Chairman and/or other officers or appointees to act on behalf of the Association.

Section 10: Duties
It shall be the duty of the Steering Committee to do the following:
• Cause a complete record to be kept of all its acts and affairs and to present a statement
thereof to the annual meeting of the Association or at any special meeting.
• Supervise all officers and agents of this Association and see to it that their duties are properly performed.
• Hold two regular Committee meetings annually.
• Elect Steering Committee Officers.
• Propose the agenda for the school year.
• Review all applications for membership and act upon them.

Article VII - Duties of the Officers

Section 1: Chairman
The Steering Committee Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Steering Committee, shall see that orders and resolutions of the Committee are carried out, shall represent the Association and/or the Committee, as instructed by the Committee, shall perform all responsibilities delegated to him by the Committee, shall cause to be kept a complete record of all actions and affairs of the Association, and shall maintain membership records (provided that these responsibilities may be delegated to others).

Section 2: Vice Chairman
The Vice-Chairman shall act in the place and stead of the Steering Committee Chairman in the event of his absence, inability, or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required by the Committee.

Section 3: Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings and
proceedings of the Committee, receive and deposit all moneys of the Association and
disperse all funds as directed by resolution of the Steering Committee, shall sign all checks, shall keep proper books of account, shall make available all financial records and shall present an itemized fiscal report at each regular meeting of the Steering Committee, and shall prepare an annual budget and a statement of income and expenditures to be presented to the membership at the regular annual meeting with printed copies available for distribution.

Article VIII - Association Meetings

Section 1: Business Meetings
An annual meeting of the Association shall be held at a place and time to be determined by the Steering Committee, during the month of August of each year.

Section 2: Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings may be held for the purpose of encouragement and instruction of the teachers.

Section 3: Closed Meetings / Activities
Only members are allowed to attend functions specified as “closed” by the Steering Committee.

Article IX – Miscellaneous

Section 1: Budget and Dues Structure
The budget and annual dues shall be developed and approved by the Committee, and submitted to the members at the Annual Meeting. Dues will be based upon the number of member families and the projected budget.

Section 2: Check Signing
All checks shall require the signature of the Treasurer, provided that the Committee may
provide alternate arrangements.

Section 3: Amendment
These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote (one vote per member family) of the
Association at a properly called meeting. An amendment may be proposed to the Committee by any Association member. Such an amendment must be presented by the Committee to the general membership in writing at a properly called meeting (or in writing prior to a properly-called meeting). The proposed amendment will then be presented to the entire membership in writing exactly as it will be written and where it will be placed in the Articles.The Article as it currently appears will also be presented for comparison purposes. At the meeting, the amendment is to be read aloud and discussed among the general membership, with sufficient time given for questions and answers. * If no revisions are made to the amendment as presented, a vote will be taken at the next properly-called meeting of the general membership. This will allow members to prayerfully consider the proposed amendment. The amendment is passed by simple majority vote by written ballot (one vote per member family). * If revisions are made following discussion after an amendment reading, then the edited version of the amendment must be presented in writing to the general membership at a properly-called meeting (second reading). If no further revisions are made, then the revised amendment shall be presented before the general membership at the following properly-called meeting, at which time a vote by written ballot will be taken.

        A meeting-by-mail may be used in lieu of a properly-called business meeting for the purpose of the final reading and vote, but not in lieu of previous reading(s) and discussion.