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Request Membership in Tri-County Home Educators!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.


Tri-County Home Educators is a Christian organization, the members of which are like-minded Christian home educators dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4. We promote home education as the Scriptural design for education whereas institutional education is an alternative to the home. We believe that every family has the God-given legal and constitutional right to home educate in the State of South Carolina, regardless of their philosophy of education or religious affiliation. Tri-County Home Educators is not a church nor is this organization meant to replace the ministry of the  local church to the home education family.

Membership for TCHE is $30 annually per family.  (Membership rate may increase later in the school year) Membership may be paid via PayPal at time of registration (with a $1 service charge).  If financial assistance is needed in this area or you are a single parent or missionary, please contact us at to see if you qualify.

Memberships are not 12 months but one school year length, which is Aug 1 through July 31.

Participation in  TCHE functions is dependent upon deadlines set by organizers.  If you are joining TCHE after the deadlines are passed, your participation cannot be guaranteed. 

Pictures taken at TCHE events will appear regularly on the private side of the website.  By joining TCHE you are agreeing to allow you or your child's picture to appear.  It is TCHE's policy to not identify any person by name in said pictures.


When filling out the form below, please make sure to leave the Weekly Email Update and the Forum Emails as they are.  All of our correspondence is done through the emails and forums.  And look for the underlined phrase Add Another.  This will allow you to add additional children. 


We have read the Articles of Association, including the Statement of Faith, of the Tri-County Home Educators (see the side bar) and are in full agreement with the purpose and principles represented therein.  We are glad to have it known that we are supporting this ministry to families in the Lord.  We are now and will continue to be a group of fellow believers, whose desire is to help other believers by supporting their commitment to home educate their children.



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Payment Instructions

To pay for membership online, please use the Paypal Add to Cart button below. Payment of $31 for annual membership as of August 31, 2023.  You may use a major credit card, debit card or your personal paypal account.

To mail payment, please mail to 

Tri-County Home Educators                           

PO Box 533                         

Seneca, SC  29679

Allow 2-3 weeks for approval when paying by check/money order.

Participation in  TCHE functions is dependent upon deadlines set by organizers.  If you are joining TCHE after the deadlines are passed, your participation cannot be guaranteed. 

Pictures taken at TCHE events will appear regularly on the private side of the website.  By joining TCHE you are agreeing to allow you or your child's picture to appear.  It is TCHE's policy to not identify any person by name in said pictures.


Payment Options