Check out the calendar Please watch the YouTube video for our Business Meeting


· The #1 benefit to being a member of Tri-County Home Educators (TCHE) is the involvement of Great families who are willing to pray for and encourage each other. We volunteer to organize awesome events and activities, participate in those activities and form lifelong friendships!

· Prom is available to any TCHE member who joined prior to January 31st ,  is a high school student, and turned 14 prior to the current membership cycle (on or before August 1st).

· Graduation ceremony for all graduating TCHE members who joined prior to January 31st and completed the high school requirements.

· Fall Formal Masquerade Ball is available for all TCHE members that are 13 years old and up.

· Student Council is available to 6th grade through high school TCHE students who wish to participate in student government in a fun and supportive environment.

· Junior Council is available to kindergarden through 5th grade TCHE students whose older siblings participate in Student Council.

· Kelly Moxley Memorial Library Contact Person: April Fox

o Here you have opportunity to come in and review other curriculum and books of interest you may be unfamiliar with and if you like them, they are available for check out.

· Rhonda Harrison Scholarship

o A scholarship available to a recent TCHE graduate who has applied him/herself to his/her Christian education and developed godly character that will influence the world for Christ.

· HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) membership discount

o Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children and to protect family freedoms. We provide homeschooling-related legal advice and representation to our 84,000+ member families, promote homeschool-friendly legislation at the state and federal levels, and offer information and resources to encourage and support all homeschoolers.

· SCHEA (South Carolina Home Educators Association) membership discount

o SCHEA is a statewide organization whose mission is to monitor legislation in order to preserve homeschool rights in South Carolina and to encourage homeschool families and the organizations that serve South Carolina homeschoolers.

· Foothills Accountability Association membership discount to FAA for TCHE members

o Membership covers one year of legal accountability under SC state law. All other services are ones offered by our volunteers to help support the homeschooling family.

· Staples-discounts and teacher days

o Using a Teacher’s ID along with your Reward card grants additional discounts.

· AC Moore, Office Max, etc.

o TCHE Membership card may be accepted at other book/supply stores. All you need to do is present you TCHE ID card and ask the store you patronize to see if home educators qualify for any teacher/educator discounts offered.