Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association

About US

What is NELCHA?

NELCHA (Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association) is a homeschooling support group and co-op for Christian families in Northeast Louisiana whose members volunteer their God-given talents and abilities to make our organization possible. We are a non-profit corporation registered in the state of Louisiana with an Executive Committee made of elected members of the group. 

Why do we exist?

NELCHA is organized exclusively for providing service, support, and encouragement to Christian home education families that make up its membership.  We exist to help homeschooling families raise children who love the Lord and love to learn by providing encouragement, information, and support for parents, as well as learning, social, and service opportunities for their children.

Who belongs to NELCHA? 

New homeschoolers, veterans, and in between…..small families to large who use a variety of curricula and teaching styles....we are a varied group.  One thing we do have in common, and require for membership, is an agreement to support and uphold our Statement of Faith.  We are unapologetically Christian.  All classes, activities, and meeting topics will have our faith in Christ at their center, and we will seek to honor Him in all we do. 

What else is required for membership?

Another requirement for NELCHA membership is that you are homeschooling at least one of your children or have a preschooler whom you are planning to homeschool.  All memberships are subject to approval by the Executive Committee.  Annual membership costs $48/$52 per family.

What do we mean by "homeschooling"?

NELCHA believes that the ultimate responsibility for the education of children belongs to parents (Deuteronomy 4:1-4, 4:9, 6:1-25). Thus, NELCHA believes this is an inalienable right given by God that the State cannot create, destroy, or alter. Even though parents may allow someone other than themselves to teach cognitive information, it is under the ultimate control and supervision of the parents.

NELCHA believes education in the home by parents is the best form of education currently available to parents and children.

NELCHA believes that humans are comprised of spirit, soul, and body. NELCHA believes it is foolishness to attempt to fully equip/educate the soul and body and neglect the spiritual part of man. All education should attempt to fully illumine all three areas of the human experience.

What about virtual charter schools?

Congratulations on investigating alternative educational choices for your family!

The Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association (NELCHA) exists to support families that have chosen to personally direct and control the education of their children. We believe that this choice of control is the ultimate responsibility of parents, and is the scriptural design for education (Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22: 6 and Ephesians 6:4).

Public education, in institutional or online form, is controlled by state educators. Parents who enroll their children in public education lose the ability to make decisions about their children’s education; such as curriculum, timing, pace and creativity.

We encourage you to consider breaking out of the restrictions the state places on you and your family, and truly home educate your children.  We will offer you support to do it well.  Studies have proven over and over that students taught by their parents perform better in all areas.

We hope that you agree that choosing to personally educate your children is one of the greatest opportunities for parents, and work to provide resources to help. However, NELCHA is unable to accept applications from families of charter-schooled students.