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Mrs. Jessie Papia To All Instructors

Jessie is certified as an IEW instructor and has taught this and other writing courses for five years. She also homeschools her five school-age children. Jessie graduated with a bachelor’s degree from North Central University in 2008 and is a passionate life-long learner. Jessie is a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God. Education, foster care/ adoption, and helping students unlock their God-given gifts fills Jessie with passion. She loves working directly with students to help them grow in both skill and confidence.

Jessie lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, six children, and German Shephard, Boston. She loves coffee, reading, spending time outdoors, and traveling with her family. 

Current Classes
Journalism – Tutor (open)
Middle School World History: Ancient Civilizations to Renaissance – Tutor (open)
Writing Fundamentals 1 IEW (T2) – Tutor (open)
Writing Fundamentals 1 IEW (T4) – Tutor (open)
Writing Fundamentals 1 IEW (W5) – Tutor (open)