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Statement of Faith

We believe that:

  • There is one God eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4, Mark 12:29, Matthew 28:19, II Corinthians 13:14).
  • Man is sinful and therefore separated from God, who is holy and perfect (Romans 3:23, I Peter 1:15, 16).
  • Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sin through His death on the cross (Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 9:14).
  • Jesus also resurrected bodily and ascended into heaven and will return one day to establish His kingdom (I Peter 3:22, Philippians 2:9, Revelation 19:11-12).
  • Only through faith in Jesus Christ and His provision of salvation by grace, and not as a result of any works that we may do, may we be saved from eternal punishment, enter into God’s family, and receive eternal life (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:11, Romans 10:9-13, I John 1:9).
  • The Holy Bible (Old & New Testament) is the inerrant, authoritative, and sufficient Word of God and the source of truth of the Christian faith and life (II Timothy 3:16-17, II Peter 1:20-21, John 20:31).
  • God has established marriage as a life long, exclusive relationship between one man and one woman and all intimate sexual activity outside the marriage relationship, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or otherwise, is immoral and therefore sin. (Genesis 2:24-25, Exodus 20:14, 17 22:19, Leviticus 18:22-23, 20:13, 15-16. Matthew 19: 4-6, 9, Romans 1:18-31, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, 15-20, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Jude 7).
  • God created the human race male and female and all conduct with the intent to adopt a gender other than one’s birth gender is immoral and therefore sin. (Genesis 1: 27, Deuteronomy 22:5).