STAR Instructors
STAR instructors come to STAR in a variety of ways. Some are parents sharing their interests with the kids or pitching in to help teach a topic that is not their area of expertise. Some are outside instructors who may have previous teaching experience, and/or may have a field of knowledge to share. Many of our instructors come to us through recommendations from families; people that our families have met at summer camps or other events. If you would like to teach at STAR, please read the information below and then contact our Registrar at
What is STAR?
STAR (Scholars Together Always Reaching) is a secular and inclusive group for the families of highly gifted children. Through classroom settings and the ever-important lunch and recess hour, highly gifted children interact with others who are closer to being both intellectual and social peers than they may find in settings geared solely to their age or academic level.
STAR began over fifteen years ago when a handful of local homeschooling parents joined together to provide enrichment opportunities for their highly and profoundly gifted homeschooled children. Over the years, STAR has continued on that mission and grown into a wonderfully supportive community for families raising these unique children. Most STAR families today homeschool some or all of their children part- or full-time, and STAR parents find themselves connecting over the intricacies of their experiences.
STAR meets on Wednesday days in the fall and spring for two twelve-week semesters. Knowing that our parents are carefully curating their children’s dynamic and individualized core curriculum needs, STAR’s classes are instead inspired by topics that either are unique to the group’s interests or are enhanced when experienced in a group setting.
The STAR community is self-selected, meaning that it does not require proof of giftedness. Classes are designed for children aged 5-18 (plus limited preschool activities) who tend to succeed when working 2-3 grade levels ahead and moving through material more quickly than traditional classes.
We are always seeking instructors to create a positive and dynamic environment for this specific population of children. STAR families are encouraged to connect us with mentors and subject matter experts they meet in their own communities, adding to our roster of adults who can come to STAR excited about their subjects, relate to the workings of a highly gifted child’s mind, and think quickly on their feet to out-of-the-box questions!
While operating in the spirit of a co-op, STAR operates with a volunteer administrative group that leases our facility (we are a secular group that rents space from a church), facilitates registration, and coordinates daily operations. The STAR administrative group seeks member input whenever possible, but is authorized to make decisions regarding STAR classes, policies, and procedures without member input if time and/or circumstances deem it necessary. Another distinction from co-ops is that STAR families write one check to STAR each semester to cover rent and administrative costs, but write checks to the instructors for classes and are empowered to address any concerns directly with their instructors. STAR provides the conduit and support system for this community.
STAR is designed as a family experience. Parents are required to remain onsite and siblings are encouraged to attend.
Instructors are always welcome to join us for lunch (11:30-12:30) or to join parents for a chat in the parent room. Instructors are also welcome to social events like potlucks and the Variety Show.
What Types of Classes/Instructors is STAR Looking For?
STAR does not offer traditional school subjects. We are looking for enrichment classes that foster the social experience of the kids and provide unique educational opportunities. For example, we would not offer "Algebra", we might offer "Cryptography"; we would not offer "History", we might offer "Barbarian Warriors".
You do not need to be a licensed teacher to be a STAR instructor. You only need to be excited about sharing knowledge with the kids.
How and When are Classes Planned?
The process of choosing classes and setting a schedule begins in March for the fall semester and October for the spring semester. The Registrar will begin by collecting class ideas from potential instructors. Then meetings are held with parents and kids to gauge interest. Then the Registrar will finalize the class schedule and details, and search for instructors for specific requested classes.
Instructors generally create their own class descriptions, prerequisites, cost per child, and minimum number of participants. The usual maximum number of kids is 10 (including any of the instructor's own children who are registered in the class), instructors may choose to set a lower maximum. STAR Administrators are available to help with suggestions for class planning and setting prerequisites. The Registrar will have information and advice about the appropriate ages for the class. STAR does not allow age exceptions for classes for any reason.
STAR does have a supply of items like scissors, tape, glue, color pencils, etc. We also have whiteboards, TVs, etc. We can also assist with having parent helpers in class. Please let the Registrar know what supplies and support you might need as soon as possible.
The cost per child for each class generally does not exceed $10 per class hour, so $180 for a 90 minute class and $120 for a 60 minute class. Instructors can also charge an additional 'materials fee' to cover the cost of supplies needed for the class. We also love to offer a few low cost classes each semester. Some instructors will choose to charge $20-$50 per child. For low cost classes we will add this note to the class description "Since this is a low cost class, fees will not be prorated for new participants or refunded if a class is cancelled". In order to homeschool, most families have to be one-income households. This makes financial considerations a big factor in deciding how many and which classes to enroll in, especially with multiple children. Low cost classes are very important for many of our families.
Class registration opens on our website in June/July for fall semester and in November/December for spring registration. The Registrar will let instructors know the registration status of their class(es) after registration closes, approximately two weeks after registration opens. Parents write checks payable to the instructor. These checks are collected at the time of registration and will be given to the instructor on the first day of class.
What is a Typical Class/Semester Schedule?
STAR semesters are 12 weeks long. Fall semester is September through early December. Spring semester is February through May. Classes are held on Wednesdays in St Louis Park. Class times are as follows:
Early Morning (EAM) 9:00-9:55am
Morning (AM) 10:00-11:30am
Afternoon (PM) 12:30-2:00pm
Club Hour (CH) 2:10-3:10pm
The main class periods of the day are AM and PM. EAM classes are mostly movement-based, to help the kids get wiggles out before the day begins. Club Hour is designed as a wind-down to the day, with relaxed, collaborative classes.
Are there any benefits to being a STAR Parent Instructor?
Parent instructors are allowed to register their kids for classes early, usually 8:30am vs 9:00am. This ensures that your kids are in the best place for them while you're busy teaching, whether that is in your own class or in another class. Parent instructors also do not pay the family STAR fees or fees for their first 2 children. They do pay the 'per child' fee for their third or more children and they would still pay the $20 late fee, if applicable. Parent instructors do still need to fulfill parent volunteer obligations.
Can instructors have their child(ren) in their class?
Of course! One of the most common ways a parent dips their toes in the waters of teaching is to lead a class that they've been wanting to do with their own kids. However, you must then set your class ages to include all STAR kids who are the age of the child you want to attend, and they must be officially registered and named on your roster. If you have a child who is not enrolled in a class (yours or another instructor's) during the time period you teach, they must be assigned to another parent and hang out somewhere besides your classroom during the class period.
What if an instructor is sick or absent?
If you know ahead of time that you will miss a week of class, please let the Registrar know before registration opens. If you have a last minute cancellation, please let your assigned administrator know right away. You are responsible for finding a qualified substitute, offering a makeup session, or offering a refund of fees to families for the missed time. The only exception to this is if your class is offered at a low cost (see policy above).
STAR would cancel classes for snow/weather if St Louis Park schools close. We do not close for temperature extremes. If STAR is canceled due to weather or other circumstance, instructors do not have to offer a makeup session or refund. STAR does try to move classes online, when feasible.
What if there are behavior problems during class?
If you find that a child or multiple children are disruptive, not prepared for class, etc, please address it right away. Please discuss it with the child during class and let administrators and the parents know about the issue immediately after class. Sometimes it can be helpful to have a parent sit in during class to help the child.
STAR has an open door policy. Parents are always permitted to observe quietly from the back of the room.
Can instructors assign homework?
Yes, classes can have a homework component, but most classes do not. Any homework expectations should be indicated in the class description before registration.
Can classes have a final performance/exhibition?
Yes, we love to share final products with everyone at STAR during the STAR day. Let us know ahead of time and we are happy to invite the community to your event.
What Covid-19 precautions does STAR have?
At the current time/situation STAR does not require any Covid or other disease precautions. Each person/family can choose whether to wear masks, use hand sanitizer, etc, or not. We do ask for very clear communication from our whole community. If anyone is sick, or might be sick, we ask that they stay home. If anyone discovers after a STAR day, that they may have been contagious, they should let administrators know right away. Information will be shared with the community in a way that protects privacy.