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A Day at STAR

What is the structure of a STAR day?

STAR classes are 60-90 minutes long with four sessions:
Early Morning (EAM) 9:00-9:55 AM
Morning (AM) 10:00-11:30 AM
Afternoon (PM) 12:30-2:00 PM
Club Hour (CH) 2:10-3:10 PM
Lunch is from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. We have a gym and outdoor space available for getting that energy out. Parents must directly supervise their children when they are not in classes.

You are welcome to enroll in as many class sessions as you like. The building is open and available to all families 8:30AM - 3:30PM. We encourage kids to gather to socialize and play games when not in classes, as long as they are not disrupting classes in session and are supervised by a parent.

STAR is not a drop-off program. We provide a Parent Room for parents to hang out and get to know each other. This is the perfect place to talk with other parents about curriculum, activities, and the everyday joys of homeschooling these unique kids. There is usually coffee available and we often have snacks too!

Younger children are welcome to use the nursery and toddler playroom, with adult supervision. When not in use by young children these rooms are also a good space for older children needing some quiet time.

We love parties and special events at STAR. We generally have one or two potluck parties per semester. Sometimes these parties have special themes like Harvest or Pi Day. In the past we have also had variety shows, used book sales, Makers Faire, Valentines exchanges, and class demonstrations.

What is Opening Day?

Generally, each semester begins with orientation activities, we call this Opening Day. Attendance is required of all families so that everyone, new and returning, can be best prepared to begin the first day of classes when we have our paid instructors onsite and ready to teach.

Opening Day is a fun, social day to come see old friends and make new ones. We have games and activities for the whole family and also talk briefly about the expectations, building guidelines, and volunteer roles. After the organized games we welcome everyone to stay and enjoy lunch and have some time for free play. There are no classes held on Opening Day.

How do I know what events are coming up?

Every week that STAR is in session the administrators will send out a weekly email to let you know what is going on that week. The email arrives early on Monday mornings. If you are not getting this email please check your spam or your account settings on this website.

The calendar is also a great place to see what’s coming up. The administrators will make every effort to keep the calendar up-to-date. The weekly email also lists some of the upcoming calendar events.

When you arrive at STAR you will see the welcome table which will also have information about what is going on that day.

What are children's responsibilities at STAR?

Children (and parents) should come to STAR eager to learn, open to new ideas, and ready to enjoy a day with intellectual peers. But there are a few rules. Children and parents will be asked to agree to the Family Responsibilities before admission to STAR. Below are some of the requirements.

  • Cooperative, respectful, and participative behavior is expected from all children at all times.

  • Arrive promptly and be prepared for class.

  • Complete the course-work as assigned each week so as not to deter the instructor from the planned course of study.

  • Children are to be attentive in class and understand that participation in STAR is a privilege, not a right.

  • As members of STAR, children are expected to actively participate in maintaining the building and all property.

  • STAR has a NO TOLERANCE policy for any behavior that is out of sync with behavior guidelines. The discipline procedure used will depend on the severity of the offense. If there is problem behavior, a warning will be given. At that point, behavior needs to improve to an acceptable level or the child will be dismissed from STAR with no refund.

Does the STAR day allow for social interaction?

Social interaction with intellectual peers is a primary part of the STAR mission. That does not mean children are permitted to have off-topic discussions in classes. Our hope and goal at STAR is to create an environment where children can work with their intellectual peers in structured classes and interact socially with those peers outside of class. There is regular opportunity for social activities over the lunch break, after class time, in clubs, and at the end of the day. Children must keep the boundary between social times and class times clear.

The building is open and available to all families 8:30AM - 3:30PM. We encourage kids to gather to socialize and play games when not in classes, as long as they are not disrupting classes in session and are supervised by an adult.

Is my child required to attend STAR for the full day?

STAR is a community and we encourage families to stay for the full day, but families are welcome to participate on either a full or partial-day basis. You are welcome to sign up for as many classes as you like. If you come for just the morning or just the afternoon consider coming for the lunch hour. It’s a wonderful opportunity for both parents and children to have some valuable social time.

There is some logic behind the lengths and timing of the class periods. We surround the 60-minute lunch and recess time with 90-minute classes. We call these periods AM and PM, and they’re 90 minutes long to allow plenty of time to go deep or veer off on rabbit trails. You might consider this 10:00-2:00 to be the core of the STAR day. We then tack on an additional 60 minute class before and after this core. We call these periods EAM (Early AM) and CH (Club Hour). We’ve found that many kids have the most successful STAR day when they’ve started with physical activity during EAM, and some like to start with a more conversational or academic warm-up to their day.  Club Hour is more likely to be social activities like a discussion or club activity, a sporting activity like fencing, or a quieter wind-down like Open Art. Build the day that works for your family.

What is the protocol if a class is canceled due to inclement weather or other circumstance? 

Cancellation of STAR due to inclement weather or any other reason will be handled via email by 8:00 AM, if possible. If schools are closed in the St. Louis Park Public School District due to snow, then STAR is closed. STAR will not close for temperature extremes. In the event that any portion of a STAR day is canceled, administrators will decide whether to offer a make-up time or not. Families will be notified by email as to what the arrangements are. STAR will always strive to be open every class day.

What happens if an instructor is sick or otherwise unable to teach?

The STAR administrators have asked all instructors to notify us right away if they are unable to be at STAR. We will let affected families know right away by phone or email as time allows. It is the instructor’s responsibility to offer a refund or schedule a make-up class. STAR does not generally use substitute teachers. Since STAR families are contracting with outside instructors and not STAR directly, STAR cannot guarantee makeup classes.

Do I need to let the instructor or administrator know if we will miss a day/class?

Of course everyone gets sick from time to time and schedules can change. It is the parent’s responsibility to decide if their child(ren) is well enough to attend STAR. Please be respectful and err on the side of caution when dealing with illness.

Instructors generally do like to know if your child will not be there that day, but it’s not required that you tell them. You can email or call them according to their contact information, found by clicking on the instructor’s name in the class description.

What do I do if I discover after STAR that my child might have been contagious?

If you discover or suspect that you or your child had or might have had contact with STAR kids while contagious you must notify an administrator right away. Administrators will notify affected parties and will make every attempt to protect privacy. Please be respectful and err on the side of caution when dealing with illness.

What are the policies regarding Covid-19? 

At the current time/situation STAR does not require any Covid or other disease precautions. Each person/family can choose whether to wear masks, use hand sanitizer, etc, or not. We do ask for very clear communication from our whole community. If anyone is sick, or might be sick, we ask that they stay home. If anyone discovers after a STAR day, that they may have been contagious, they should let administrators know right away. Information will be shared with the community in a way that protects privacy.

A few notes on the topic:

  • The use of face masks for medical purposes which cover the mouth and nose are permitted. The wearing of masks is optional unless STAR administrators deem a requirement prudent. Clear plastic face shields are allowed. Masks that obscure the eyes or other parts of the face can be problematic and scary to some of our participants and therefore are not permitted. Please be mindful of how your mask may be seen by others who may have sensitivities that you do not have. 

  • We respect that some participants may remain more cautious than others. You may choose to maintain social distancing, wear a face mask, and bring your own supplies when possible. Hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies will remain available. Let your instructors know if you have any concerns. 

  • If you have attended any STAR activity and then learn that you or anyone you are responsible for may have been contagious you must inform STAR administrators immediately. If you have come in contact with any other STAR participant(s) outside of a STAR activity and then learn that you may have been contagious you must inform the other STAR participant(s) or a STAR administrator immediately.

  • STAR does not intend to ask for proof of vaccination/antibody status and cannot authenticate anyone's vaccination status. If vaccination status is ever given or requested, such information would be self-reported and not verified by STAR administrators.

  • If the situation drastically changes, administrators may decide that more precautions are needed in order to keep to our schedule of events. We plan and hope that we don’t have to make changes, however, some guidelines and policies may be adjusted from time to time. Certain restrictions on movements and observing classes may be implemented. Indoor and/or outdoor spaces may be used differently and have restricted access. Health requirements may be issued, including but not limited to, the use of facemasks, temperature checks, hand washing, health questionnaires, etc. Administrators will update families and instructors about any changes in a timely manner using emails and/or signage. All participants are required to comply with all current guidelines, and we thank you for your cooperation.

  • Please be respectful and err on the side of caution when dealing with any illness. It is imperative that each family and each participant do their utmost to keep the entire community safe and healthy in order to minimize disruption for everyone.