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Gifted Resources

STAR Academy’s mission is to provide gifted kids with social and learning opportunities that they can’t find elsewhere. We strive to serve their parents as well, by connecting them to the resources and programs that will help to support them in the unique landscape of raising a gifted kid.


STAR parents have found the following online educational programs beneficial:


STAR kids have enjoyed these extra-curricular opportunities:




Physical Education


Lego League

Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth


Are you ready to dive deeper?

The Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented provides thorough lists of professionals on a mission to help your kids and family reach their full potential. This includes a directory with professionals specializing in:

  • ADHD/Autism/2E
  • Counseling and therapy
  • Gifted testing
  • Academic coaching
  • Assistive technology
  • Tutors
  • Executive function

Parents who homeschool or curate a multi-faceted education outside of traditional public school are welcome to join MCGT’s CHOICES chapter for ongoing support groups, speakers, community events, social opportunities for kids, and more.