Communication at STAR
STAR functions best when communication is open, honest, and frequent. As STAR administrators, we especially want feedback from parents and children. We want all members to feel comfortable coming to us with any issue--in person, by phone, or email.
What is STAR's primary communication method?
STAR's primary communication method will be via this website and weekly emails sent using the website's email feature. Please be sure your preferred email address is the one you have listed in your membership information. STAR sends out weekly emails with updates about classes, events, and other information regarding STAR activities so you want to be sure you are receiving those. This is also the method we will use to communicate weather related cancellations or other urgent information. It is the parent's responsibility to stay to-do-date with information shared regarding STAR.
STAR families are also encouraged to use this website’s forum feature to start a group conversation about issues related to homeschooling, gifted children, curriculum, class ideas, etc.
Are there any meetings with parents and/or kids?
STAR administrators facilitate meetings with parents and/or kids generally once or twice a semester to provide members with information as well as to have an opportunity to receive member feedback. We want to know what you like about STAR, where improvements can be made, what kind of classes you want, how you feel about instructors, etc. We are always thinking ahead to the next semester and trying to anticipate what the needs will be.
What if I have specific class concerns?
If you have a concern regarding a specific class or instructor, your first step is to speak with the instructor directly. If the result of that meeting is not satisfactory to you, your next step is to contact one of the STAR administrators who will help mediate the situation.
Where do I address my STAR related questions, concerns, or feedback (general or specific) while attending STAR?
If you have a question or concern with a class in which one of your children is currently enrolled, the first step would be to speak with the instructor. If that option is not appropriate or your concern is not addressed satisfactorily, the next step would be to bring your concern or question to one of the STAR administrators. Administrators are available in person, by phone, or email.
Other questions, concerns and feedback can almost always be discussed in the parent room. Parent support is an integral part of the STAR experience.
Again, the STAR administrators highly value your input and feedback regarding issues related to STAR. STAR administrators are happy to help with your questions or concerns.
If you feel that your questions or concerns are still not fully addressed after speaking with the STAR administrators, you may choose to speak with one of the MCGT CHOICES Chapter Board members to have your question/concern addressed at an MCGT CHOICES Chapter meeting.
If you feel that your questions or concerns are still not fully addressed after speaking with the MCGT CHOICES Chapter, you may then speak with one of the MCGT State Board members to have your question/concern addressed at an MCGT State Board meeting.
Information for contacting the MCGT CHOICES Chapter, and/or the MCGT State Organization is listed on the MCGT website at
Please share this information with your child(ren) so they know that these options are also intended for them.