PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative

Optimizing Your Homeschool Learning Cooperative


Homeschool cooperatives are organizations that provide educational opportunities for homeschooling families. These cooperatives rely heavily on parent volunteers to help with various tasks such as teaching classes, organizing events, and managing finances. As these organizations grow and become more complex, it is important for them to have strong operations management in place.

One tool that homeschool cooperatives can use to improve their operations is the Operations Maturity Model (OMM). This model helps organizations assess their current processes and identify areas for improvement in order to become more efficient and effective. In this guide, we will discuss how homeschool cooperatives can use the OMM to become an optimized organization.

The goal in all of this is to ask yourself "where are we?", "where do we want to be?", and "how do we get there?".  As you read through this guide, ask yourself "what level are we at?"

Why should we strive to achieve a Level 5 Learning Cooperative? Primarily, it enables us to profoundly affect more families—especially the youth—with a Christ-centered experience that can significantly alter their lives for the better. When given the chance to invest in the lives of children, youth, and families in such a meaningful way, why not endeavor to do it to the best of our abilities?

The First Step:  WHERE ARE WE?

As you assess your level, you will land on a few levels with some of your plans and activities.  Overall, however, you should be able to say "we are about a Level 2".  Or you might even say "we are about a 2.5" (meaning we are doing Level 2 things, and some Level 3 things).  Use the following guide to find out "where you are".  Then we will discuss "Where you want to be".

Level 1: Informal

At this level, homeschool cooperatives are just starting out and their operations are basic and ad hoc. There is no formal structure or process in place and everything is done on an as-needed basis.

To move to the next level, cooperatives should focus on creating a foundation for their operations by establishing clear roles and responsibilities, documenting processes, and implementing basic policies and procedures.


Characteristics of Level 1 Behavior in a Homeschool Cooperative

A homeschool cooperative may exhibit several behaviors that fall under the "informal" level of the Operations Maturity Model. Some examples include:

  • Ad hoc decision making: In a homeschool cooperative at this level, decisions are often made on the spot without much planning or consideration for long-term impact. For example, if a volunteer is needed to lead a specific class, a quick announcement may be made during a meeting and whoever volunteers first is chosen without much thought given to their qualifications or availability.
  • Initial reactions to challenges: When faced with a problem or challenge, an informal homeschool cooperative may react quickly and find a temporary solution rather than taking the time to develop a more comprehensive plan. For instance, if there is conflict between two members, the group may choose to temporarily separate them rather than addressing the root cause of the issue.
  • Chaotic environment: Due to the lack of structure and consistency, a homeschool cooperative at this level may have a chaotic atmosphere. Meetings may lack an agenda or structure, tasks may be assigned haphazardly, and there may be little communication between members outside of meetings.
  • Inconsistent practices: At this level, there is no set standard or procedure for carrying out tasks and responsibilities. Each member of the leadership structure (facilitators, directors, board members, etc)  may have their own way of doing things, leading to inconsistency in the overall operations of the organization.

Self-Reflection Questions

To determine if a homeschool cooperative is operating at Level 1 "informal", members can ask themselves these questions:

  1. Do we often make decisions on the spot without much planning or consideration for long-term impact?
  2. Are we quick to find temporary solutions rather than taking the time to develop a comprehensive plan when faced with challenges?
  3. Is our environment chaotic, with meetings lacking structure and tasks being assigned haphazardly?
  4. Do we have inconsistent practices and standards for carrying out tasks and responsibilities?
  5. Are there patterns of ad hoc or initial reactions to tasks and challenges within our cooperative?

By asking these questions, members can gain a better understanding of the current state of their homeschool cooperative and identify areas where improvements can be made. It is important to note that being at Level 1 "informal" does not mean an organization is failing, but rather it may indicate room for growth and development in terms of structure and consistency. So, it is essential for organizations to strive towards higher levels of maturity in order to operate more effectively and efficiently. Additionally, incorporating self-reflection and assessment can help track progress and identify areas that still need improvement. As a homeschool cooperative moves towards higher levels of the Operations Maturity Model, it will become more organized, structured, and consistent in its operations, leading to a more successful and thriving organization. So, it is important for organizations to continually evaluate their level of behavior and strive towards improvement in order to reach higher levels of maturity.

If you discover that "Yes, we are Level 1", then your next question is answered for you:

Where are we?  Level 1

Where do we want to be:  Level 2, trending to Level 5 - Optimization

How do we get there?  Read about Level 2 and discuss as a team what needs to be done.


Level 2: Developing & Documenting

Once the foundational level is in place, homeschool cooperatives can focus on developing their operations. This includes streamlining processes and implementing technology to improve efficiency.

At this stage, it is important for cooperatives to involve all stakeholders and gather feedback to continuously improve their operations.

Level 2 of the operations maturity model is called "documented". This level refers to organizations that have a more formal structure and documented processes in place. They tend to operate with the following characteristics: emerging, managed, standardized, isolated, and repeatable.

Examples of Homeschool Cooperative Exemplifying Level 2 Behavior

A homeschool cooperative can exemplify level 2 behavior by implementing the following practices:

  • Creating a formal organizational structure with clear roles and responsibilities for members.
  • Developing written policies and procedures to guide decision-making and operations.
  • Maintaining records of meetings, events, and finances in a centralized location for easy access.
  • Conducting regular evaluations or assessments to monitor progress and improve processes.
  • Communicating information and updates to members through a standardized method, such as email or a newsletter.

These practices demonstrate a commitment to formalizing operations and documenting processes, which are key aspects of level 2 behavior in the operations maturity model.

Self Reflection Questions for Level 2 Evaluation

To determine if a homeschool cooperative is exhibiting level 2 behavior, here are 5 self reflection questions that members can ask themselves:

  1. Do we have a clearly defined organizational structure with roles and responsibilities for our members?
  2. Have we developed written policies and procedures to guide our decision-making and operations?
  3. Are we keeping records of our meetings, events, and finances in a centralized location for easy access?
  4. Do we regularly evaluate or assess our progress and make improvements to our processes?
  5. Are we using a standardized method of communication to keep members informed and updated?

By honestly answering these questions, members can assess their cooperative's level 2 behavior and identify areas for improvement in order to move towards higher levels of maturity in operations. So, it is important for homeschool cooperatives to regularly self-reflect and strive towards achieving level 2 behavior in order to effectively manage their operations.


Level 2 of the operations maturity model, "documented", is an important step towards developing a more structured and efficient homeschool cooperative. By implementing formal processes and documentation, organizations can improve their operations and work towards higher levels of maturity. With self-reflection and continuous improvement, homeschool cooperatives can successfully exemplify level 2 behavior and continue to grow and thrive. So, it is essential for organizations to strive towards achieving level 2 behavior in order to effectively manage their operations and achieve their goals.

If you discover that "Yes, we are Level 2", then your next question is answered for you:

Where are we? 
 Level 2 (you might even say "1.5", it's not a hard science.)

Where do we want to be:  Level 3, trending to Level 5 - Optimization

How do we get there?  Read about Level 3 and discuss as a team what needs to be done.


Level 3: Operational and Integrated

At the operational level, homeschool cooperatives have established processes and systems in place that are followed regularly. They have also implemented performance metrics to monitor their operations and identify areas for improvement.

To move to the next level, cooperatives should focus on continuous training and development for all members, as well as ongoing communication and collaboration between different departments.

Features of an "Integrated" Homeschool Cooperative

 This level represents organizations that have a well-defined system in place, clear structure and processes, measure outcomes, and have competent individuals working together towards a common goal. Organizations at this level are more structured and operate with a high degree of efficiency.

A homeschool cooperative can exemplify level 3 behavior in various ways. Some examples include having a clearly defined curriculum and schedule, structured group activities and events, effective communication between members, and clear roles and responsibilities for each member.

Self-reflection is important to determine if an organization is at the integrated level or not. Here are five questions that can help evaluate the Level 3 maturity level of a homeschool cooperative:

  1. Do we have a well-defined system in place for planning and executing our homeschooling activities?
  2. Are there clear roles and responsibilities for each member type of the cooperative?
  3. How do we measure the success and effectiveness of our homeschooling approach?
  4. Are all members competent in their designated roles and actively working towards achieving the goals of the cooperative?
  5. Is there effective communication and collaboration among members to ensure smooth functioning of the cooperative?

By honestly answering these questions, a homeschool cooperative can determine if they are at the integrated level or if there is room for improvement. Moving towards this level requires a strong commitment from all members to work together towards creating a structured and efficient organization. With continuous effort and self-reflection, a homeschool cooperative can reach the highest level of maturity and ensure a successful homeschooling experience for all members. So keep striving for improvement, even if you feel that your organization is already at the integrated level.


If you discover that "Yes, we are Level 3", then your next question is answered for you:

Where are we? 
 Level 3 (you might even say "2.5", it's not a hard science.)

Where do we want to be:  Level 4, trending to Level 5 - Optimization

How do we get there?  Read about Level 4 and discuss as a team what needs to be done.  Undoubtedly you will have one or two items from Level 2 to tend to as well.

Level 4: Stratigically Managed

At this stage, homeschool cooperatives have a high level of maturity in their operations. They have a well-defined organizational structure, use advanced technology and tools, and have standardized processes in place.

To further optimize their operations, cooperatives should focus on strategic planning and long-term goals, as well as risk management to anticipate potential issues.

Level 4 of the operations maturity model represents an organization that has achieved a high level of strategic alignment and discipline. At this stage, the organization operates in a predictable manner and is able to manage its operations quantitatively.

A homeschool cooperative can exemplify level 4 behavior in various ways:

  • Alignment: A homeschool cooperative that operates at level 4 will have a clear and well-defined mission and vision. All members of the organization will be aligned with these goals, and their actions and decisions will reflect this alignment.
  • Discipline: Level 4 organizations exhibit discipline in their operations by following established processes and procedures consistently. This includes adhering to deadlines, maintaining accurate records, and communicating effectively with all stakeholders. A homeschool cooperative at this level may have a set schedule for classes and activities, and members are expected to follow through with their commitments.
  • Predictable: At level 4, an organization's operations become more predictable. This means that members can anticipate the organization's actions and behaviors based on past experiences. For example, in a homeschool cooperative, parents and students can expect certain classes or events to occur at specific times, and the organization follows through on these commitments.
  • Quantitatively managed: Level 4 organizations use data and metrics to manage their operations. This includes tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), analyzing trends, and making data-driven decisions. A homeschool cooperative may track attendance, student progress, and parent engagement as part of their quantitative management practices.

Self-Reflection Questions for Level 4:

  1. How aligned are our activities and decisions with the mission and vision of our homeschool cooperative?
  2. Do we have established processes and procedures in place, and do we consistently follow them? (and can that be measured)
  3. How predictable are our operations? Can members anticipate what will happen based on past experiences?
  4. Are we using data and metrics to manage our operations, and are we making data-driven decisions?
  5. How disciplined are we in adhering to deadlines, maintaining records, and communicating effectively with all stakeholders? Overall, the goal of level 4 is to have a well-oiled machine where everyone is working towards a common goal and operating with discipline and predictability. By regularly reflecting on these qualities, a homeschool cooperative can continue to strive towards level 4 behavior and achieve even greater success in its operations. However, it is important to note that the operations maturity model is not meant to be a strict hierarchy, and an organization may exhibit characteristics from multiple levels depending on the specific aspect being evaluated. The key is to continuously strive for improvement and growth in all areas of operations. So, even if a homeschool cooperative may not fully exemplify level 4 behavior in all aspects, it can still celebrate and build upon its accomplishments while working towards reaching this level in the future. By doing so, the organization can achieve a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in its operations, leading to greater success for its members and stakeholders.

In conclusion, level 4 of the operations maturity model is an important stage for any organization to reach. By exemplifying strategic behavior, a homeschool cooperative can ensure that all members are aligned towards a common goal and operate with discipline and predictability. Through self-reflection and continuous improvement, a homeschool cooperative can strive towards achieving and maintaining level 4 behavior in its operations. So, if you are a member of a homeschool cooperative, consider using these self-reflection questions to assess your organization's level 4 readiness and work towards achieving it for the benefit of all. Keep striving for excellence! 


If you discover that "Yes, we are Level 4", then your next question is answered for you:

Where are we? 
 Level 4 (you might even say "3.5", it's not a hard science.)

Where do we want to be:  Level 5, trending to Level 5 - Optimization

How do we get there?  Read about Level 5 and discuss as a team what needs to be done.  Undoubtedly you will have one or two items from Level 3 to tend to as well.


Level 5: Optimized

The final level of the OMM is optimization. At this stage, homeschool cooperatives are continuously improving and evolving their operations to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

This can be achieved through regular performance reviews, benchmarking against other organizations, and investing in advanced technology and processes.

Level 5 of the Operations Maturity Model is the highest level an organization can achieve. At this stage, organizations have fully embraced a culture of continuous improvement and are constantly striving to optimize their operations. This level is characterized by adaptability, opportunism, synthesis, proactivity, and agility.

A homeschool cooperative that has reached level 5 of the Operations Maturity Model is an exemplary organization that has a deep understanding of its operations and is constantly looking for ways to improve. This is your ultimate goal and prize:  To be a Level 5 Homeschool Cooperative.  Here are some specific examples of how a homeschool cooperative embodies level 5 behavior:

  • Adaptive: A homeschool cooperative at this level is highly adaptable to changes in the environment or circumstances. For example, if there is a sudden shift in the curriculum or a change in regulations, the cooperative is able to quickly adjust its operations and still provide high-quality education to its members.
  • Opportunistic: A level 5 homeschool cooperative takes advantage of opportunities that come its way. This could be anything from partnering with local businesses for field trips, to organizing workshops with experienced educators. The cooperative is always on the lookout for ways to enhance its members' learning experience.
  • Synthesized: A level 5 homeschool cooperative has a deep understanding of all the different components that make up its operations and how they are interconnected. This allows the cooperative to optimize each component while also ensuring that they work together seamlessly. For example, the curriculum is designed in such a way that it complements the resources available and the teaching methods being used.
  • Proactive: A level 5 homeschool cooperative is proactive in identifying potential issues or areas for improvement and takes action before they become bigger problems. This could involve gathering feedback from members, conducting regular evaluations, or implementing new policies to address emerging challenges.
  • Agile: Agility is a key characteristic of a level 5 organization. This means that the homeschool cooperative is able to quickly respond and adapt to changes, whether it be in the curriculum, resources, or the needs of its members. This allows for a more efficient and effective operation overall.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How often do we review and evaluate our operations as a homeschool cooperative?
  2. Have we identified any areas where we can make improvements?
  3. How do we incorporate member feedback into our decision-making processes?
  4. Are we actively seeking out opportunities to enhance our members' learning experience?
  5. How have we adapted to changes in the education landscape or regulations?

These questions can help a homeschool cooperative assess their readiness and behavior towards achieving level 5 of the Operations Maturity Model. It is important to note that reaching this level is a continuous effort and requires a commitment to ongoing improvement. By embodying the characteristics of adaptability, opportunism, synthesis, proactivity, and agility, a homeschool cooperative can truly excel in providing high-quality education to its members. So keep striving for optimization and never stop learning!



If you discover that "Yes, we are Level 5", then your next question is answered for you:

Where are we? 
 Level 5 (you might even say "2.5", it's not a hard science.)

Where do we want to be:  Scanning for opportunities to take advantage of our Optimized state.  Watching for deterioration, and continually improving.  Never "arriving" but always striving!

How do we get there?  Get to work! :)

Next Steps

With your self or your leadership team, read this article and focus on ALL of the questions.  Reserve three hours to discuss the questions and discover which items you have accomplished, and which items you are missing.

Undoubtedly, you will have accomplishments at all 5 levels (or 3 or 4 of the levels).  The goal is to get ALL of "lowest incomplete level" completed, however.

As an example, let's say you have one item from Level 1, three items from Level 2, four items from Level 3 and ALL ITEMS from Level 4 and 5 left to accomplish.  Your focus is FIRST:  Complete that one item from Level 1!  THen move to completing the three items on level 2, and so on.

One day, you will have to hand this off.  The goal is to hand off a fully optimized environment that will grow without you at the center and will thrive for hundreds of families for years to come!

If you have any questions about this, or feedback on this article, please write the Director of the Path cooperative in Rochester, MN:  Todd Johnson,