Co-op Enrollment & Class Registration
***Please scroll down further on this page to enroll and register in the following order*** Enrollment and Registration is reserved for approved members only! Please thoroughly read these instructions: Co-Op EnrollmentBEFORE registering your children for classes, please enroll your families: a) Family Enrollment Fees: $70 per family - Enroll under your oldest child's name ONLY. Do not register under a parent's name. b) Student Enrollment Fees: $110 per student - Enroll EACH of your children c) Childcare/Study Hall: Enroll as needed Class RegistrationClasses: $25 annual suppy fee - for each class that a student is registered in, the supply fee is $25. This excludes science Science RegistrationScience Classes: will be determined by tutor and paid directly to them. Tutor will reach out to families to share and collect fee. CurriculumThe required curriculum for each course can be found on the matrices below. SDG does not charge for or purchase curriculum on behalf of members. Purchasing all required curiculum is the responsibitly of each member and needs to be purchased before the first day of attendance. Payment SchedulePayment 1: $180 (due upon registration) This covers the Family Enrollment fee ($70) and 1 Student Enrollment fee ($110) *These two fees are 50% refundable by June 1st, 2025 should you decide your family will not attend SDG. Payment 2: Due before your first day of attendance at SDG
*These fees are refundable by July 1, 2025 should you decide your family will not attend SDG, however, the SWR Class fee ($25/student) is NOT refundable as we will be printing books by this date. Fees Breakdown & Payment MethodsFor an understanding of how our fees our determined, see the Fees tab. For instructions on how submit payments for enrollment & registration, see the Payments tab. |
Enrollment (click on titles below to enroll)
Required Fees | Study Hall | Childcare | |
1 |
Enrollment Fees: Family
Study Hall: 1st Period
2 |
Enrollment Fees: Students
Study Hall: 2nd Period
Childcare: 2nd Period
3 |
Study Hall: 3rd Period
Childcare: 3rd Period
4 |
Study Hall: 4th Period
Childcare: 4th Period
Elementary (click on titles below for class descriptions, curriculum, and to register)
P1: Spelling (9:15-10:20) | P2: Language Arts (10:25-11:40) | P3: Latin (1:00-1:55) | P4: Science (2:00-3:15) | |
1 |
SWR 2 (L1-O6)
2nd - 4th
Latin: Song School 2 - Classic Academic Press
Science: Lower Elementary (Anatomy/Chemistry)
Kindergarten - 3rd
2 |
SWR 4 (O1-S2) / Grammar (WOL 2)
3rd - 4th
Language Arts 4 - IEW Ancient
3rd - 4th
Latin: Primer A - Classic Academic Press
3rd - 4th
3 |
SWR 5 (S3-Z2) / Grammar (WOL 3)
Language Arts 5 - IEW U.S. History
4th - 5th
Latin: Primer B - Classic Academic Press
4th - 5th
Science: Upper Elementary (Anatomy/Chemistry)
4th - 5th
4 |
Director's Meeting
Middle/High School (click on titles below for class descriptions, curriculum, and to register)
P1: Bio & Character Study / Logic (9:15-10:20) | P2: Language Arts (10:25-11:40) | P3: Foreign Language (12:55-1:55) | P4: Science (2:00-3:15) | |
1 |
Biography & Character Study / Grammar (WOL 4)
MS English 1 - Writing
6th - 7th
Latin: Primer C - Classic Academic Press
6th - 7th
Science: Science in the Industrial Age
6th - 7th
2 |
Logic 2: Art of Argument - Classic Academic Press
Writing: Composition 2 - Veritas Press
8th - 9th
Middle School Spanish
6th - 7th
Science: Physical
3 |
Logic 4: Argument Builder - Classic Academic Press
8th - 9th
Spanish 1
Science: Biology - Novare
4 |
Science: Chemistry - Berean Builders