Soli Deo Gloria

Please do not pay thru our website's payment terminal as you will encrue fees! Please do not pay Directors personally!

By paying through one of the methods below, there will be no payment processing fees and paymnet will go directly to our SDG Bank Account.

Payment Methods

  1. Zelle:

  2. PayPal: @sdghomeschool (Please select Friends/Family, DO NOT select “for goods and services”)

Please include a brief description in the subject line or notes of any of the payment forms.

After registeration payments are received, we will go into the backend of your website account and log your payments.

2025/2026 Payment Schedule

Payment 1: Due upon registration

$180 due after BOTH Enrollment and Class Registration have been completed. This payment covers:

  • Family Enrollment Fee ($70)

  • 1 Student Enrollment fee ($110)

*These two fees are 50% refundable by June 1st, should you decide your family will not attend SDG. 

Payment 2: Due before your first day of attendance at SDG

  • Balance of all Student Enrollment fees ($110 per student)

  • All Class Registration Fees ($25/class/student-excludes science fees)

*These fees are refundable by July 1, 2025 should you decide your family will not attend SDG, however the SWR Class fee ($25/student) is NOT refundable as we will be printing books by this date.