Soli Deo Gloria


indicates a required answer

Interested in joining our co-op, want to schedule a tour, or just want to learn more? We'd love to hear from you! To make the best, most efficient use of all our time, before you fill out this form, please ensure you have thoroughly read through our website, as that should answer many questions and give you a clear idea of how we operate and what we offer. After you have read our site and If you agree with and share the values found in our Handbook linked here, please submit this contact form and a Director will reach out to you.


1. *


2. *

Email Address


Phone Number

4. *

From who or how did you hear about us? We love referrals and would love to know who from our community has shared about our co-op with you!

5. *

What are the names, current ages, and current grades of each of your children you'd like to enroll?

6. *

What academic school year are you interested in joining in (ex - current, 2025/2026)?

7. *

Which classes that we offer are you interested in for each of your children?

8. *

Do you agree to the expectations and values found in our Handbook?

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.
9. *
