HSC Participation Policy

We Respect God
We honor the Lord Jesus Christ and the different Christian faiths expressed in our group. We also treat non-Christian members with the kind of love and acceptance that bears convincing witness to the Gospel.

We Respect Others
Our words and actions are helpful and kind, promoting the dignity of every other HSC member. We do not hurt others, or threaten to hurt them, physically, mentally, or spiritually. Relationships between the opposite sexes are respectful and modest. We “pull our weight” and do not take advantage of others. Parents take responsibility for their own children’s safety and behavior. We comply with the Privacy Policy in order to protect the personal information of other members; we do not harass members with unsought lobbying or solicitation.

We Respect Teachers and Leaders
We follow directions promptly and with a good attitude. We attend the classes we agreed to attend and serve where we have committed ourselves to serve. When corrected, we respond immediately and without argument. When we disagree with someone in a position of authority, we express ourselves directly and courteously in the right time and place. In public forums accessible to other members, we speak of the group and its leaders respectfully.

We Respect Ourselves
We dress modestly and appropriately for the setting and abide by the dress code. We use decent language that matches our dignity and worth. We don’t watch, read, or discuss anything offensive at HSC.

We Respect Property
Grateful for the use of the facility, we make every effort to take good care of the property and report/fix any damage as soon as possible. We strive to keep the common areas quiet in order to preserve the peace of church staff members working in the building. We use our own supplies and equipment unless we have permission from the church. We go to our own administrators for help when needed, rather than imposing on the church staff.

HSC Device Policy

Electronic devices include cell phones, tablets, iPads, iPods, computers, headphones, and earbuds/airpods.

Default Classroom Policy

  • Students may not use devices during classes unless teachers specifically request/allow them to be used.
  • Students will store their personal devices in their bags during class hours and not keep them in their pocket or have them out on the table, unless specific teacher permission has been granted.

Study Halls, Lunch, Hallways, Etc.

  • All electronic device usage and all content that is read, viewed, listened to, and shared must conform to our Participation Policy, and all electronic device usage must be with the permission and ultimately under the supervision of each student’s parents.
  • While appropriate messaging, games, watching videos, web browsing, etc. are not prohibited at HSC, we encourage students to not let device usage hinder their ability to build community at HSC.