
Where do you meet?


We meet in the Ann Arbor, MI area.


When do you meet?


There are two twelve-week semesters starting in September and February. Some classes meet in January. We have six class periods on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:40 AM - 4:15 PM. Monday afternoon classes are generally for middle and high school students, although limited classes are available for elementary students of members who have an afternoon job. Wednesday classes are only for middle and high school students.


Who are your members?


Homeschooling families with a desire to educate their children through high school.


Is HSC only for families with high school students?


We offer classes for children of all ages, including a preschool program and a kindergarten program. Your oldest child must be at least age five by September 1 to apply to HSC, but we give priority to families with older children since we have a special concern for high school students.


How are students placed in grades?


Classes are divided in the following way: Pre-Elementary (Nursery-Kindergarten), Early Elementary (grades 1-3), Upper Elementary (grades 3-6), Middle School (grades 6–8), and High School (grades 9–12). Children in nursery through Kindergarten are placed by their birth dates (age by Nov. 1). For grades 1 – 12 there is flexibility as to where you place your child.


Do I have to teach to be a member of HSC?


All members of the co-op help by doing two jobs at the co-op. These jobs include teaching, but also involve administrative support, childcare, or day-to-day operations. Since teaching classes comprises the bulk of our jobs, we expect members to be willing to teach; the majority of members teach classes every year.


What are the costs?


The co-op registration fee is about $50/semester for each student. This covers administrative costs such as building rental, not the cost of classes. Class fees vary and are charged separately from the registration fee. Class fees are listed in the course descriptions, which are posted roughly one month before class sign-up. A typical tuition fee is $60 - $200 per semester. Materials fees vary widely from nothing for a gym or book club class, to several hundred dollars per year for robotics, computer, or high intensity art courses and labs.


What's the difference between a co-op class and a class taught by a non-member teacher?


Co-op classes are taught by our members. When there is a desired class which no member is able to teach, a non-member tuition teacher is found. For typical class costs, visit Class Info --> Current Classes. Non-member teachers charge varying tuition fees, but they are comparable to the rates you would pay for similar private lessons.


Is this a Christian co-op?


Yes! HSC is an interdenominational Christian co-op seeking to honor Jesus Christ in all we do. At HSC meetings and classes, we often pray, or hold discussions about God, Jesus, the Bible, Christian worldviews, and articles of faith that all Christian denominations hold in common. We do not teach classes that would promote a specific church’s doctrine.

HSC members are committed to honor each other and will not express disrespect or hostility to non-Christian members. However, we will not modify our beliefs and practices because non-Christian members are present. We will not allow non-Christian, anti-Christian, or pagan beliefs to be taught or promoted. We ask that non-Christian members respect traditional Christian beliefs and moral teachings and refrain from promoting or sharing views that will make Christian members uncomfortable or concerned about the influences on their children.


How many kids are in HSC?


We currently have about 200 students in HSC, and about 80 of these are in high school and 55 in middle school.