Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization

Eagles Cheer

2024 - 2025 ECCHO Cheer Season

Informational Meeting: Wednesday, May 1st at 6:00pm at Longbranch Community Baptist Church 

Tryouts are for ECCHO girls who will be in 7th - 12th grade starting in the fall of 2024. No experience necessary, all are welcome to try out!

Please see the ECCHO calendar for more details.

Tryout option #1: May 15-16 from 9:00am - 11:00 each day 

Tryout option #2: May 23-24 from 9:00am - 11:00 each day

General Information for the 2024 - 2025 season:

For detailed information, please sign up on the ECCHO calendar to attend, and attend the informational meeting, contact Wendy Johnson or contact Jacee Fink

Practices for cheer will take place as a Friday class. The class/ practice will be offered during the first period from 8:30 am - 9:55 am. You will be able to sign up for the class during general UC registration if you have gone through the tryout process and have been accepted to the squad.

The cost for the 2024-2025 season will vary depending on if you are a returning squad member or a new squad member. The total estimated cost for the entire year including class fees and uniforms is as follows.

(Fees are subject to change - we will do our best to keep costs as low as possible)

New squad member: $610

Returning squad member: $320 + uniform as needed

Important Dates:

  • UC Class Preview Day
  • UC Registration starts - May 27th - May 31st: Be sure to register for cheer 1st period if you made the squad!
  • Uniform Fitting - May 27th, 10:00 am - 11:00 at Longbranch Community Baptist Church
  • Independence Day Parade - July 4th - details to come
  • Team Meeting - August 19th, 6:00 pm - 7:00 at Longbranch Community Baptist Church
  • First Day of UC classes!! 1st-period cheer practice/class - wear uniforms!


ECCHO Athletics Handbook

Cheer Constitution

ECCHO Cheerleaders are more than just cheerleaders. They are the face of our program and ambassadors for our organization. As followers of Christ, all of our ECCHO students are held to high moral standards and are encouraged to shine their light wherever they go. ECCHO always wants to represent God, homeschooling, and our program well. Our cheerleaders are held to that same standard in all that they do. They will have the privilege of representing ECCHO.  ECCHO cheerleaders are seen as leaders within the program. Participating in ECCHO cheer allows squad members to develop their leadership skills while promoting program and community spirit.

All ECCHO athletes are expected to read the sports information and adhere to the guidelines and expectations found in the ECCHO Athletic Handbook. Please read, fill out, and return the forms provided in the handbook before tryouts begin.

Our ECCHO Cheerleaders SHINE

S – Sensational

H – Harmonious

I – Inspiring

N – Noble

E – Enthusiastic


The ECCHO cheerleader program provides students the opportunity to develop and promote unity within ECCHO. Squad Members will support other students and programs. They will be known for their faith in Jesus Christ, strength, self-control, and leadership skills. They will lead by example how to Shine His Light, as individuals and as a group throughout the entire school year.


  • ECCHO cheer is a year-long program. The squad member's term begins the day that the squad is announced, after tryouts, and ends once the tryout process is complete the following year.

  • Yearly approximate costs will be posted at the cheer informational meeting before season tryouts.

  • All squad members are financially responsible for the following:

    • Uniforms/ Supplies as designated by the cheer program and approved by the athletics coordinator and ECCHO board

    • Fundraising participation 

  • All payments are non-refundable. If a squad member is removed from or quits the team, refunds are not guaranteed.

Attendance, Absences, and Communication:

Communication is extremely important! It is expected that parents and squad members will communicate any and all cheer issues with the coach and/ or athletics director in a timely manner. A main form of frequent communication will be through an ECCHO Cheer GroupMe. At least one Cheer parent must be active on the Cheer GroupMe for frequent communication updates. Squad members are permitted to be included on GroupMe with parent permission, but a parent will still be required to participate.

Squad members are expected to be at all practices, classes, and events on time and ready to participate unless the coach has been previously notified in writing (via GroupMe, email, or written note) by a Squad member or parent, or if previous arrangements have been made between the coach, squad member, and squad member parent. It is understandable that squad members cannot always be at every event. We expect that when possible, vacations, family events, and other commitments will be scheduled around cheer commitments. If a squad member cannot make it to a scheduled cheer event, it is expected that communication with coaches about the absence is communicated as soon as possible.

Squad members are expected to arrive at all events at least 5 minutes early, dressed appropriately and ready to participate. If a squad member is going to be late because of unforeseen circumstances, they are expected to notify their coach BEFORE the event starts.  If improper attendance or punctuality becomes an issue, a meeting will be arranged with the coach, athletics director, squad member, and parent to discuss the consequences.


Because ECCHO cheerleaders are seen as leaders and ambassadors for our program, squad members are expected to always follow the ECCHO dress code at ECCHO classes and events, even if not in uniform.

Squad members should always lead by example, shining their light always. Display modest dress and behavior. Be kind, courteous, uplifting, and encouraging to everyone. Show respect always, and strive to resolve any conflict or disagreeable circumstances in a Godly manner. Smile, have fun, and encourage school spirit while encouraging others to do the same.

Cheer Calendar:

Coaches and the Athletics director will supply all dates for events as soon as they are available. Communication for ECCHO cheer events will be posted through a Cheer Live List Schedule through Google Docs, GroupMe, and email updates.

Cheer Class & Practices:

Cheer Class will be used for communication, covering program details, team building, and squad member development. Squad members will participate in Bible Study/ devotionals as well as health and nutrition classes. They will memorize cheers and chants and when to use them. They will study cheer etiquette, create posters and other advertising material for ECCHO programs, strengthen relationships with each other through team-building, and participate in fundraising communications. 

  • Cheer class & practice will be held each Friday as a part of the ECCHO Upper-Class Program.  Class time will be 8:30 - 9:55 am. Students will be enrolled in the class by their parents during UC registration.

  • Squad members are expected to arrive to practices at least 5 minutes early

  • All squad members are expected to wear proper workout clothes and workout shoes that follow the ECCHO Dress Code

  • Hair should be pulled away from the face, in a ponytail if possible

  • No jewelry is permitted at practice

  • Squad members are responsible for bringing all necessary equipment. (poms, water, sweat towel, etc.)

  • Squad members will wait to leave until dismissed by the coach.

  • Squad members are expected to stay with the team at all times. There will be no wandering around campus permitted.

  • Cell phone use is not permitted during practice.

  • Gum chewing and snacking are not permitted at practice. Please eat before arrival.


Squad members are an important part of ECCHO as they are ambassadors for the program. Squad members are expected to represent ECCHO at various events throughout the school year.


ECCHO cheerleaders will have fundraising opportunities throughout the year. Fundraising gives the program a chance to grow, helps each squad member further develop leadership skills, benefits the community, and lightens the financial load for our cheer families. Each squad member is expected to participate in fundraising.


Tryouts for ECCHO Cheerleading will be May 15-16 and May 23-24, from 9 - 11 am each day at Longbranch Community Church in Midlothian. 200 Longbranch Rd, Midlothian, TX 76065.  These will be closed tryouts. Only coaches, invited ECCHO staff, helpers and candidates will be allowed in the gym.

  • Please pick up your student-athlete promptly at 11 each day.
    Candidates are expected to arrive at least 5 minutes prior to start time and will stay until dismissed.

  • Candidates will wear black shorts and a solid white t-shirt for the duration of tryouts. (ECCHO dress code applies)

  • Hair should be pulled away from the face, in a ponytail if possible

  • No jewelry will be permitted at tryouts

  • Nails should be trimmed. False nails are permitted but must be kept at a short length.

Candidates will be evaluated on both days and scoring will be based on the following:

  • How they work as a team member

  • Are they able to learn choreography/ are they teachable?

  • Attitude, friendliness, respectfulness. Will they represent ECCHO well?

  • Appearance – come prepared in proper attire, clean well-cared-for clothing

  • Learning and performing the following:

    • 2 cheers: cheer enthusiasm, motions, and techniques

    • short portion of a dance: motion and technique

    • voice and projection

    • cheer jumps

    • overall spirit and enthusiasm

  • Results will be posted by Monday, May 26th

    *Videos will be sent to the candidates so they can practice choreography at home.


  • Squad members are expected to keep uniforms clean, and in presentable condition, including shoes.

  • Uniforms are only to be worn for ECCHO cheer events.

  • Squad members will wear the designated uniform as directed by the team captain and/or coach. Which may include hair and accessories depending on the event.

  • Appropriate undergarments will be worn at all times with the uniform. Undergarments should be discreet (not show) and neutral in color.

  • If an alteration needs to be made to any uniform, written approval must be obtained from the coach. If a uniform is altered too short, too tight, etc. the uniform must be altered back to its original condition at the squad member's expense.

  • All uniforms must meet the requirements of the ECCHO dress code. If the uniform becomes unacceptable or out of the dress code alterations must be made or a new uniform purchased.

  • Jewelry may be worn with uniforms at ECCHO classes and at games unless notified otherwise. The following jewelry is permitted: complimentary colors to uniform, 1 tasteful necklace, 1 ring, 1 bracelet, stud earrings, or small 1/4” hoops

  • Jewelry is not permitted at practice, pep rallies, competitions, or camps. The coach will notify squad members of any changes regarding jewelry

  • Fingernails, including artificial nails must remain at a length appropriate for safe participation. An appropriate length is when fingernails are not visible beyond the end of the fingers when viewed from the palm side of the hands.


The ECCHO cheerleading squad will follow the ECCHO disciplinary policy, a three-strike rule. Please see the ECCHO Athletic Handbook. Squad members are expected to adhere to all rules and guidelines presented in the ECCHO Cheerleading Constitution and the ECCHO Athletic Handbook and are expected to follow ECCHO's general code of conduct. If there is an extenuating issue with the behavior, attendance, etc. of a squad member, the parents of the squad member will be asked for an immediate meeting with the coach, athletics director, squad member, and in some circumstances the ECCHO board.

*In extreme cases, a squad member may be asked to step away from ECCHO cheer.


Cheer Coach: Jacee Fink, jacee@eccho.us
Manager: Wendy Johnson, pres@eccho.us