Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization

ECCHO Teen Statements

All ECCHO Teens wishing to participate in Upper Classes must agree to and adhere to the following...

Dress Code:
I, _____________________, am not here, on campus (or at an ECCHO event/activity/class)
to show off my body and dishonor my temple. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 I will honor God and
show respect for myself with my clothing choices.

I, _____________________, will honor God and respect myself and those around me with my
words. Ephesians 4:29

I, _____________________, will act as God would want me to act. Proverbs 16:3 I will do
my best to honor God and respect myself with my actions. I will work hard to not be a
stumbling block for another. Matthew 18:7

I, ______________________, will show respect and care for the campus, building, furniture,
etc. that God has provided. Phillipians 4:19

I, ______________________, will show respect to all leadership. I will honor God and
respect myself by submitting to the policies and rules set before me. Hebrews 13:17

Set Apart:
I, ______________________, am called to be set apart. Romans 12:2

I _______________________, understand that the classes offered are a privilege to me and
my family and I will do my very best to honor my faith, my family, and ECCHO in my actions
and deeds.

Student Signature & Date

Parent Signature & Date