Become a member of CHC!
Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.
In order to login to the Christian Homeschool Connection website please do the following:
1) Complete this membership form: This will help us to get to know you and connect you to other local homeschoolers. In addition, we are a volunteer led and run cooperative and encourage all members to give their time and talents to support CHC and each other.
2) Pay your membership dues.
Memberships run from July 1st of one year to June 15th of the next. Dues are:
- $35.00 for a full year
- $15.00 after December 1
- $25 in May & June (early bird special!)
Information on where to send fees is included on the last page of this form. We accept checks and Paypal.
Mission Statement: To support the local homeschool community in a manner that honors Jesus Christ.
- To keep members informed of homeschool activities.
- To facilitate connection with other homeschooling families.
- To provide members with information helpful to homeschoolers.
- To provide members with an internet forum for the exchange of all things related to homeschooling.
- To provide members with opportunities to serve the local homeschool community.
- To help promote public awareness and acceptance of home education.
By joining Christian Homeschool Connection (CHC) you acknowledge:
- CHC is a Christian cooperative.
- CHC is guided by Christian principles.
- CHC membership fees are not refundable.
By joining CHC you affirm our FAITH STATEMENT:
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God; through him, salvation and reconciliation with God are possible. Romans 10:9
We will genuinely and authentically follow the teachings of the Bible, especially to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, and all our strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Mark 12:30-31
Doctrinal differences may exist, but mutual support and affirmation of our common faith in Jesus Christ should testify to our love for each other as disciples of Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:10-13
We look forward to serving with you in the coming year. Blessings to you and your family,
The CHC Board