The Home School Connection
Welcome to HSC!

Mission Statement

Welcome to The Home School Connection!

The Home School Connection (HSC) is an interdenominational Christian co-operative: families working with families, to provide a variety of academic and enrichment classes for homeschooled students of all ages.

We value one another’s contributions and commit to regular dialogue with each other through members’ meetings and annual surveys. All of our members have the opportunity to directly influence the vision and day-to-day working structure.

We especially support the efforts of families who home school through high school by:

  • Giving priority to high school families
  • Following a predictable sequence of academics
  • Involving families in the planning process and soliciting information about their needs
  • Seeking out highly qualified teachers for our classes
  • Offering support to high school families

HSC is not a school. Although we offer hundreds of classes with excellent teachers, HSC - the organization, does not provide transcripts, official credits, or mandate the scope and sequence of courses from year to year. We believe responsibility for the learning of each student member ultimately rests with the homeschooling family, not with HSC’s teachers or with the organization.

The Application Season

Our application period for the 2025-2026 year will open in early February.

You will find the application for the next school year on our website in early February. We hold two open houses as part of our application process.  This year our open houses are Mondays, March 3 and March 10. It is mandatory to attend one open house before submitting an application. Applications for the fall semester are typically due the second week of March.

Answers to many of your questions about our co-op can be found on this page, the How to Join page, and especially in FAQs.

If you may have an interest in applying, please complete the Open House RSVP.

Thank you for your interest in HSC!

Christian Foundation

As an interdenominational Christian co-op, HSC seeks to honor Jesus Christ in all we do. At HSC meetings and classes, we often pray or hold discussions about God, Jesus, the Bible, Christian worldviews, and articles of faith that all Christian denominations hold in common. We do not teach classes that would promote a specific church’s doctrine.

Co-op Service

One of the first questions we are asked is “What will I have to do?” Good question! In joining a co-operative you are making a commitment. We are a team of dedicated homeschoolers pooling our talent and time to achieve something bigger and better (and cheaper!) than any one of us could achieve on our own.

Members serve by. . .

  • Performing two jobs in any of four main areas: teaching, pre-elementary program, cleanup and set-up, and administration.
  • Performing two Service Requirements (SR) each year, in addition to your 2 co-op jobs.

Regular jobs may or may not fall into the same service area or age group; we need the flexibility to place members where our co-op needs are greatest while considering where their skills are best used. Members indicate preferences for how they want to serve via a survey, but the connectors make the final job assignments which are posted on the website shortly before start-up each year.


There are two twelve-week semesters starting in September and February. Some classes meet in January.

We have six class periods on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:40 AM - 4:15 PM.

Monday afternoon classes are generally for middle and high school students, although limited classes are available for elementary students of members who have an afternoon job.

Wednesday classes are only for middle and high school students.


We meet in the Ann Arbor, MI area. Our members come from many different locations in southeast Michigan.