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Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is foundational to the success of G.I.F.T. and is one of the requirements to join the co-op.  Without a cooperative effort on the part of parents/guardians, their children and teachers, G.I.F.T. would not be possible.  

Parents/Guardians are responsible to adhere to the code of conduct and all policies.  In addition, parents/guardians are responsible for the following:

  • Onsite Presence:
    • While your child(ren) are in the building and grounds, a parent/guardian must be present the entire time. However, you and your student are free to come and go throughout the day.
  • Supervision of Children
    • Parent/guardian needs to be aware of where their children are at all times.  
    • Children that are not in class must be supervised at all times by their parent/guardian.  
    • Parents are responsible for picking up their child/children from any 6 and under classroom. 
    • If a parent/guardian is teaching, volunteering in a class, or unable to supervise their child, they must arrange for another adult to be responsible for their child(ren).  There is a Temporary Guardian form that must be signed in these instances.
    • A nursery is available for use with children ages 2 and under.  Parents are required to remain in the nursery with their child the entire time.  
  • Service Requirement:
    • Parents/Guardians are required to fulfill a minimum of two volunteer positions (2 hours during the G.I.F.T. day).  
    • All families with enrolled children must fulfill their volunteer requirements to maintain membership in G.I.F.T.  (Teaching a class does fulfill one hour of this requirement.)
    • The Volunteer Matrix is available below the Class Schedule.  To sign up, you will follow the same process as registering for a class.
    • Please view the Volunteer Roles for additional information.