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Medical and Photo Release 2024-2025

indicates a required answer

1. *

Medical Release

I, parent of registered children, give permission for my child(ren) to be treated in case of emergency. I do not hold G.I.F.T. or the Church on the Rock responsible for any injuries that may occur to my child(ren) while on the premises.

I accept I decline
2. *

Medical Release Electronic Signature:

3. *

I have ensured that all medical (including allergies), physical, developmental amd behavioral issues have been documented within my homeschool-life family profile.  I understand that this information will not be published on the online directory.  However, I give permission for this information to be shared with the GIFT Leadership Team and Teacher Team.  

Electronic Signature:

4. *

Insurance Waiver

I, parent/guardian of the registered child(ren), give my child(ren) permission to participate in this program or activity and hereby waive, release and forever discharge any and all claims or responsiblity of G.I.F.T., the Church on the Rock  or premises, employees, volunteers, officers, or agents for damages or injuries which may arise to my child(ren) and/or any child(ren) under my care.

Electronic Signature:

5. *

Photo Release

I authorize G.I.F.T. to publish the photographs taken of me, and my child(ren), for use in G.I.F.T. publications, social media accounts, and website.  I acknowledge that since my participation in any publications or websites produced by G.I.F.T. is voluntary, I will receive no financial compensation.  I further agree that my participation confers upon me no rights of ownership whatsoever.  I realease G.I.F.T., it's contractors, officers and members, from any liability for any claims by me or third party in connection with my participation.

I Agree to Photo Release I Decline Photo Release