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Code of Conduct 2024-2025

indicates a required answer

G.I.F.T. Code of Conduct

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" Matthew 7:12

G.I.F.T. is run entirely by volunteers, and is able to function due to the generosity of our host congregation.  All participants of G.I.F.T. are responsible for their conduct to teachers, volunteers, and other members of the G.I.F.T. Community.  Members' behavior is expected to demonstrate the character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.  Each family is responsible for the behavior of their children.  Specifically, members are expected to maintain the following standards:

  1. Be kind and courteous in all interactions at G.I.F.T.
  2. Obey all rules set by the Church on the Rock, and the G.I.F.T. Leadership Team.
  3. Respect the property of others.
  4. Respect the authority of adult volunteers, teachers and others in leadership roles.
  5. Refrain from using profane and abusive language.
  6. Be honest and honor commitments.
  7. Accept responsibility for choices and actions.
  8. Remain home from G.I.F.T. if you are ill until you are symptom free for 24 hours.  This includes: fever, strep, chicken pox, lice, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. If you are in doubt stay home. If you need support from the community, contact the G.I.F.T. leadership team.
  9. Respect and adhere to the no nut policy while on-site at G.I.F.T.

The following conduct will not be allowed while participating in G.I.F.T. and is subject to disciplinary action:

  • Theft or destruction of public or private property
  • Fighting or other acts of violence
  • Any form of bullying or verbal abuse
  • Violation of the building usage guidelines
  • Romantic displays of affection

All disciplinary action will be conducted in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-17.  If a parent has an issue with a teacher, the parent and teacher should try to work it out as a first step. If it can not be resolved, the leadership team can be brought in to help facilitate a solution if necessary. 

If one family has an issue with the conduct of another family, they should try to work it out together.  If it cannot be resolved, the leadership team can then be brought in to help facilitate a solution if necessary. 

If a child has an issue with other children, those children and families should try to work things out and only bring in the leadership team as a last resort.

If a concern arises with the leadership team, please email or write a little to the board and your concern will be addressed.

Upon observation of a violation of G.I.F.T. policy the following steps will be taken:

  1. The child(ren) in question will be spoken to directly by either a teacher or member of the G.I.F.T. Leadership Team. If the child(ren) continue to violate G.I.F.T policy, step #2 below will be taken.
  2. The child(ren) in question will be spoken to in the presence of his/her/their parent by either a teacher or member of the G.I.F.T. Leadership Team.  If the child(ren) continue to violate G.I.F.T. policy following this second warning, step #3 below will be taken.
  3. The G.I.F.T. Leadership Team may invoke any of the following:
    • asking the child's parent to volunteer in the class
    • asking the parent to choose a different class for the child
    • expulsion from G.I.F.T.

Families are encouraged to remember that G.I.F.T. is an evolving and changing entity.  As such, G.I.F.T. families are encouraged to make every effort to provide open, constructive, and sensitive evaluative comments about G.I.F.T., the instructors, participants, space arrangements, etc.  

G.I.F.T. Teachers will be expected to:

  • Abide by the same standards of behavior mandated for the children
  • Provide timely and professional lessons
  • Clearly and positively communicate their expectations and needs to classroom volunteers, parents, and students.                             

Dress code: We ask that all attendees at GIFT be modest, neat, and appropriate in how they present themselves. This provides our community with lots of choice and opportunities to wear stylish and comfortable clothing while maintaining a standard of respect for self and others in our environment. The purpose of a dress code is to provide our community with guidelines that will be life-giving to all who attend and develop the character trait of self-discipline. Parents are the best partners in the dress code process. We ask that you have conversations with your child before they head out the door to GIFT. If there is a question of whether something meets the dress code or not, err on the side of choosing to not wear it to CO-OP and save the outfit or clothing for a non-GIFT time.


1. *

I understand that as a G.I.F.T. parent/guardian that I am expected to abide by the same standards of behavior mandated for children.   I accept and will adhere to the above listed standards.

Electronic Signature:

2. *

I agree that I am responsible for the behavior of my child(ren) while they participate in activities/events/classes at G.I.F.T.. I will ensure they are aware of the above listed standards and will do my best to ensure to maintain these standards.

Electronic Signature:

3. *

Volunteer Requirements

Each G.I.F.T. family is required to volunteer in at least two places: (weekly at G.I.F.T. and/or in a parent-led volunteer committee)  If a family will be absent from G.I.F.T. or otherwise unable to do their assigned job, that parent/guardian is responsible for contacting the G.I.F.T. leadership team (giftregistration@hotmail.com) or via the Volunteer board on the website forum in order to arrange a substitute.

As a G.I.F.T. parent//guardian, I agree that my contribution to the organization is necessary to keep our cooperative running.  I agree that I will volunteer in at least two places (weekly at G.I.F.T. and/or in a parent-led volunteer committee) and will diligently perform my designated volunteer job. 

Electronic Signature and Date

4. *

I understand that G.I.F.T. is not a drop-off arrangement and that a parent/guardian/designated adult must remain on site.  The only exception to this policy is by prior arrangement with the G.I.F.T. Leadership Team for children aged 16 and older. 

Electronic Signature:

5. *

I have a child aged 16 and over and will sign a release to leave him/her on-site.  I agree a must sign a waiver before the child is allowed to attend G.I.F.T. without a parent/guardian present

Yes No
6. *

I have read the GIFT handbook and I and my child(ren) agree to participate in G.I.F.T. and will abide by the Code of Conduct and Space Usage Guidelines.

Electronic Signature:

7. *

If I choose to send my child(ren) to G.I.F.T. or have them in care of another adult while at G.I.F.T., I will review the G.I.F.T. Code of Conduct and Space Usage Guidelines with them to ensure they will abide by all guidelines and policies at G.I.F.T. and ensure they will require my child(ren) to abide by all guidelines and policies at G.I.F.T. 

Electronic Signature:

8. *

For safety and privacy reasons, families are prohibited from soliciting any outside organization, business or activity that is not approved by GIFT.  Solicitation includes verbal or written communication via e-mail, GIFT forum and Facebook page, and printed literature.  The phone numbers and addresses in our directory are solely to be used for communication regarding matters pertaining to GIFT. We appreciate your help in respecting personal information of fellow members and maintaining a high level of integrity and trust in our community. 

Electronic Signature: