G.I.F.T. participants are welcomed guests at the Church on the Rock. G.I.F.T. agrees to return the church to its original layout after use. Please allow a few minutes of time each week for you and your child(ren) to help with this. As guests at the church, we must show respect for the facilities.
The parking lot is available during G.I.F.T. hours. No permit is required. In the event of an accident or damage to another vehicle in the parking lot, please notify the G.I.F.T. Leadership Team. Children are not permitted in the parking lot without a parent/guardian/designated adult.
G.I.F.T. classes begin at 8:30 am. If you arrive and find the doors locked, please wait for a G.I.F.T. designate to admit you into the building. Church staff are not responsible for opening the doors. G.I.F.T. families are to sign-in upon arrival and sign-out when they leave the building.
G.I.F.T. will be active in
• Entire Lower Level including
- Nursery (ages 0-2)
- Classrooms
- Common area
- Only place food is allowed during G.I.F.T. Hours. Water is allowed throughout the building.
- Downstairs bathroom are for children only or parents when they are with their own chidren. No adult should use this bathroom if not accompanied by their children.
• Main Level
- Sanctuary
- Private lessons (for piano/guitar/drum pads)
- Lessons on right-side storage area as approved by Pr. Braden
- 2 “Showcase of the Arts” events § Parent meetings
- Bathrooms upstairs are for Adults who are not with a child
• 2nd floor
- Weekly Violin Lessons
- Elevator Side for 1 teacher/1student
- Occasionally group lessons
- Pavilion – no grill or fire pit.
-grassy areas with a supervising adult
If in doubt, please do not enter. Please note: all spaces designated for G.I.F.T. are clearly marked with a room sign, including the G.I.F.T. logo and description of space usage.
G.I.F.T. families are asked to be aware that there are church offices on the non GIFT used spaces in the building. These spaces are occupied and in use during the time G.I.F.T. meets. Accordingly, we are asked to use "inside voices" at all times and keep our volume at a reasonable level.
The nursery is available for families with 2 and younger children. A parent or caregiver must be in the nursery at all times. Children over the age of 2 are not allowed in the nursery unless they are assisting a parent with a younger sibling. Please note: if you choose to utilize the nursery, you are responsible for cleaning up and putting away any toys used.
The kitchen and microwave are available for G.I.F.T. Adults use. The kitchen is available for a cooking class per the G.I.F.T. schedule.
G.I.F.T. classes should end at 3:00pm. Private classes can end at 6:00 pm. Those who are present at the end of the day should plan to assist with quick clean-up and exit promptly. A final walk-through will be completed at days' end to ensure rooms are tidy, tables and chairs are wiped and put away, space vacuumed, restrooms are clear and lights are turned off.
The church will not be held liable for any damage or loss of personal property. G.I.F.T. families participate in classes and gather at the Church on the Rock at their own risk.
By signing this form, I am agreeing that our family will adhere to the guidelines listed above.
Electronic Signature: |