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Security Policy and Procedures 2024-2025

indicates a required answer

G.I.F.T. Security Policies and Procedures

The safety of G.I.F.T. families is of upmost importance to our organization.  As such, the following policies and procedures have been put in place to better ensure our safety and security.  In order to join and participate in G.I.F.T., you and your child(ren) must abide by the following guidelines:

  1. Signing In and Out
    • Sign you and your child(ren) in as soon as you arrive onsite in the sign-in book.  Please list the time you arrive and which members of your family are present.
    • Anytime you leave the building you must sign out.  This includes breaks, lunch, quick errands.  Sign yourself back in once you return.  Please remember: G.I.F.T. is not a drop-off program and anytime you leave the premises, you may not leave your children on-site.  
    • Sign you and your child(ren) out when you leave for the day, noting the time you are leaving.
    • This is a crucial part of our safety and security plan; if there were to be an emergency, it is critical to know who is in the building at the time of the emergency.
  2. Name badges
    • Name badges will be supplied for you and all child(ren) enrolled in classes at G.I.F.T. These badges must be worn at all times.  This helps us ensure the only people in the building during G.I.F.T. days are G.I.F.T. members.
    • It is your responsibility to keep these name badges safe and bring them with you each week.
    • If for some reason you forget your name badge, you can pick up a temporary one at the front table.  However, you must show you identification and sign out the Guest Badge.  This Guest Badge must be returned to the sign-in table at the end of the day.
    • If you lose your badge, you will be fined a $5 replacement fee to obtain a new badge.  
    • Name badges will collected at the end of the school year.
  3. You plus two policy
    • In no circumstances should you or your child(ren) be in a one on one situation with another adult or child outside of your family. 
    • In all situations at G.I.F.T. (classes, tutoring and private lessons, free-time, nursery, etc.), there must be at least three people present and there must be at least one adult present.  
    • If you are volunteering or teaching during a time that your child(ren) is scheduled for tutoring or a private lesson, you are responsible for securing another adult or teen to be present during the aforementioned event.


1. *

I agree that I and my child(ren) will adhere to the security policies and procedures listed above.  I understand that my or my child(ren)'s failure to comply will result in our termination of membership at G.I.F.T. 

Electronic Signature: